Gratitude Essay Examples

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My Gratitude Journal Appreciation

Pages 6 (1 316 words)


Positive Attitude

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Gratitude as a Character Strengths Appreciation

Pages 4 (917 words)


Personal Strengths

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Gratitude and Motivation

Pages 8 (1 835 words)




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Importance of Everyday Gratitude Appreciation

Pages 6 (1 306 words)


Positive Thinking

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Conceptions of Gratitude and Mercy

Pages 6 (1 358 words)



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Gratitude Journal

Pages 2 (329 words)



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Positive Effects of Practicing Gratitude

Pages 5 (1 062 words)


Personal Values

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Working in the office of INFP people. Gratitude as an incentive and motivation

Pages 9 (2 164 words)



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Volunteerism, The Coming Together for a Common Cause and Gratitude

Pages 2 (466 words)



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The Three Things Needed to Achieve Happiness: Relationships, Money, and Gratitude

Pages 7 (1 546 words)




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Check a list of useful topics on Gratitude selected by experts

A Little Gratitude Can Go a Long Way

Being Thankful for What We Have / Gratitude

Generosity and Gratitude

Gratitude and Thanks

Gratitude Expression Experiment

Gratitude from The Point of View of Positive Psychology

Link Between Gratitude and Happiness

Making Time for Gratitude

Thanks!: How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier by Robert Emmons Report

The Gratitude of Life

The History of Gratitude and I’ts Relation to Motivation

Today My Heart Is So Full of Love and Gratitude

Ways You Can Incorporate Gratitude Into Your Life

Why Should You Have Gratitude for Your Parents


What is Gratitude?

Generally, gratitude is defined as the ability to feel a strong sense of appreciation for something or someone for what they have done for you, according to the website, Kaboutjie. In other words, gratitude is all about an individual’s appreciation for the things they have, be it materialistic or not. 


The Benefits of Teaching Gratitude Among Children

According to One Day website, gratitude plays a very important role in an individual’s happiness since it gives us energy and inspires us. Also, it’s also one of the many lessons that help teach children to appreciate the things they have or to be happy and satisfied with what they currently have, in all aspects.

In fact, according to a study led by Dr. Robert Emmons, a psychology specialist from the University of California, Davis, reveals that people who engage in regular gratitude or have higher exposure to gratitude are more likely to experience psychological, physical, and interpersonal benefits such as experiencing more positive emotions like love, enthusiasm, happiness, and optimism, showing higher levels of kindness and generosity towards others, have lower stress levels, feeling better about their lives, more likely to engage in healthy coping mechanisms, and being less materialistic and have the ability to tell the difference between the things they need and the things they want. 

Furthermore, certain studies reveal that if we daily show, feel, and notice gratitude, we are more likely to slow down and be more at the moment, more attuned to our environment and be mindful and notice the people around us. Lastly, if it is taught at an early stage, gratitude also develops children’s communication skills and teaches them to be more open to what they feel.

All in all, One Day says that when individuals are more involved in practicing gratitude, we are more likely to steer clear from negative thoughts, and by appreciating the things that we have instead of focusing on the things we don’t have, there is a bigger chance for us to be positive and content with our lives.


Incorporating Gratitude in Everyday Life

There are a lot of ways where you can make gratitude a part of your daily life and teach children about it. One of the easiest ways where you can start teaching about gratitude is by teaching children to express their thanks for the things that they have — be it family, friends, another day, nature, etc. 


Books to Teach Children About Gratitude

However, the Kaboutjie website states that another great way where you can teach children to be grateful is through reading because not only is it a great past time, but it is also another way for children to identify with the characters they see in the book. Listed below are some of the best children’s books that teach about gratitude: 

  • I’m Thankful For… (A Book About Being Grateful)

Written by Uncle Amon, Kaboutjie says that this is a great book to teach younger children about gratitude because it contains stories that teach children all about good morals and positive attitudes such as sharing, love, and caring for others. With brightly-colored illustrations and simple text, the book is definitely kid-friendly and is a perfect companion for your child’s leisure time.

Aside from stories, the book also contains fun and exciting games, mazes, puzzles, as well as activities and crafts.

  • Androcles and the Lion

On the other hand, Thought Co. says that most children’s stories and folktales often follow the equation: one good deed is reciprocated by another, or in order words, if you do good to the people around you, there is a possibility that they will do a good deed for you, as well.

According to the website, one of the most popular stories that teach children about this lesson is Aesop’s Androcles and the Lion where it follows the story of an escaped slave named Androcles where he encounters a lion in the forest during his escape.

Upon seeing the lion, he notices that it has a vicious thorn stuck in its paw and Androcles decides to remove it from him. Because of this act of kindness, the lion considers Androcles to be is friend where in the end, the Emperor decides to free both Androcles and the lion.

  • King Midas and the Golden Touch

Lastly, King Midas and the Golden Touch is one of the most popular stories that teach about gratitude and appreciation. It follows the story of a greedy king named Midas who wishes to have all the gold in the world, thus giving him the power to turn everything he touches into gold. 

However, after a series of unfortunate events — with his food and daughter turning into gold, he realizes that happiness can not be found in materials and gold, and he soon learns about the meaning of gratitude and appreciation, which eventually rids him of his power and back to normal.

After getting rid of his power, he starts to appreciate his daughter and the simple treasures of life more, adds Thought Co.


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