The Importance of Clean Drinking Water

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Imagine having to walk miles everyday to get access to water that isn’t clean, but having to drink it anyway. People all around the world are facing serious problems like this, and with the little water they fetch, they must make a difficult decision of what they will do with it. Will they wash clothes with it? Will they use it as drinking water? Or will they wash their bodies or their kids bodies with it?

Almost 1 billion people in the world have to face these problems because of the fact that they lack access to clean water. Without the basic of water children become ill and are unable to attend school to get an education. They are forced to drink contaminated water that gives them illnesses and diseases such as guinea worm disease, typhoid, dysentary and many others.

Some children are too embarassed to attend school because they may not have bathed in days and end up getting bullied from other children. For young women who have started their menstral periods, it becomes difficult to continue with their education if schools do not have private spaces with water and toilets to care for themselves. The ill health that prevents boys and girls from recieving an education also prevents them from working as adults.

When they fall into this lifestyle it is likely for them to remian trapped in the cycle and the children they have will fall into the same cycle. An estimated one in five newborns die in their first month of life due to sepsis or infection. Approximately forty-two percent of hospitals in Sub-Sahaeran Africa do not have access to water.

New mothers are at high risk of infection if they deliver their babies in unhygennic conditions and they are also unable to keep their newborn babies safe from infection. Imagine having to give birth to a child in conditions like these. Contaminated water isn’t just dirty and unhealth, it’s deadly. At least 3-4 people die every year from water related diseases. This is all because of the fact that people are forced to drink water as dirty as the puddles of water we see outside on the ground, or even worse.

People are not just dying because they lack clean water in their systems, they die from things like starvation also. People in poverty do not have the money to provide food for themselves and their family. In this case most people would rely on planting crops, but without water, they can’t plant crops especially in places with little rainfall.


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The Importance of Clean Drinking Water. (2021, Aug 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-importance-of-clean-drinking-water/

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