The Factors That Makes People Disposable Today

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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the evidence of how and why people have become disposable, Evidence that will be discussed in the following paper show that people may be disposable because of overcrowding, fatal flaws, or human trafficking. The following paper will discuss how overpopulation, illness, and human trafficking are contingent with disposability along with the evidence that in recent years people appear to have become cheap and disposable. In society‘s pursuit of instant comfort and morals, some may argue that people need to take a hard look at how and why individuals have become so disposable, O’Connor (2016) stated there are many children in this country who are viewed as disposable, and they deserve more Children are not the only members of society that are disposable, however, as patients left to rot in hospitals and laborers in third world countries may also be considered disposable by society.

Disposable diapers, disposable flashlights, disposable marriages, disposable ethics in the White House, disposable standards on the television screen Why not disposable lives? Keywords: disposable, society, overpopulation, illness, teenagers, technology, controversy, forgotten, children, human trafficking. There is evidence to suggest that people have become disposable, Individuals in recent years appear insignificant because of how prevalent human trafficking has become. People may be considered disposable because of how overpopulated the planet is becoming and how often people can become sick or die. There appears to be evidence that individuals are ‘disposable’ due to evidence that supports the fact that the world is overpopulated, people with flaws or illnesses are forgotten, and many people are abused and killed in human trafficking every day.

A Surplus of People, A Surplus of Sweatshops One reason some may argue that individuals are disposable is overpopulation, which may make lives appear less important and meaningful. Jones (2015) discussed in the article One child policy: A dangerous legacy for China that lives have become more expendable as the world population continues to grow, For example, China has mandated a one—child policy, officially known as the Population and Family Planning Law because there is a surplus of human life and newer technology can make disposal of life more simple to achieve. The world has become so overpopulated in recent decades that countries like China have resorted to policies that disposes of unwanted babies. Jones (2015) went into detail about the correlation of disposability and overpopulation in his remark, “…evidence is shown that people have become disposable, as nowadays certain countries such as China require policies to get rid of and dispose of a surplus of babies .“

An increase in population size may have affected the manner in which people are treated because there are so many lives that an individual seems to be treated as insignificant. More evidence that can prove people have become disposable is that sweatshop workers in densely populated areas in the world are treated as though they are expendable items, and so sweatshop workers and everyone else in the world believes they are expendabler Kristof (2000) wrote in the amide The Straight Story About Those Awful Overseas Sweatshops that, “…some managers are brutal in the way they house workers in firetraps, expose children to dangerous chemicals, deny bathroom breaks, demand sexual favors, force people to work double shifts or dismiss anyone who tries to organize a unionn.” Direct evidence of the way that human beings who work in sweatshops is proven in personal accounts by journalists such as Kristof (2000).

One piece of evidence that people are becoming more disposable is that with more people comes more demand from corporations, which appears to cause business owners to treat blue- collar workers in sweatshops as though they are disposable commodities It appears in articles that people in third world countries and overpopulated nations are being murdered because they are unwanted by the society they reside in In the article Building Bridges: Forgotten lands, forgotten people, Kaufman (1994) wrote about news reports with vivid accounts and photographs of the horrors taking place in Haiti and Bosnia, one of the most disturbing slogans with the phrase “ethnic cleansing”, People who reside in third world countries are killed off in a horrific and inhumane way. Kaufman (1994) wrote, “…it reminded many individuals in the Jewish community of the Holocaustu.”

People in neglected countries like Haiti or Bosnia are full of people trying to escape repression and violence and are sent back to face certain death because they are treated like garbage. The individual appears to have become ‘disposable’ because even though people hear about the mass murder of people in heavily populated regions they continue to do nothing, and sweatshop workers and people of poverty continue to be treated like garbage. Disposable diapers, disposable flashlights, disposable marriages, disposable ethics in the White House, disposable standards on the television screen. Why not disposable lives? Violet’s father makes a point in Anderson‘s novel, Feed, about how individuals are discarded once they show a fatal flaw. Anderson wrote, “We Americans are interested only in the consumption of our productsw what happens to them once we discard them, once we throw them away.”

Sick people such as Violet in Feed are a forgotten society that are disposed of on a regular basis Once people with diseases, disabilities, and illnesses become too sick to maintain themselves without help, they seem to be disposable. Many children in the world appear to have become considered disposable and worthless, as they are young, weak, and sometimes forgotten, O’Connor (2016) discussed in regard to forgotten children in foster homes, writing, “We do know that some of them are not that well supported, We do know that five hundred of them don’t have any social worker, so no one to check on them, to check they are doing okay They do not even matter enough for the state to keep an eye on them, Just throw them somewhere, get them out of the way, and forget about them.” Children that are placed in foster care, have a fatal disease, or suffer from illness are treated as though they do not matter enough for anyone to have a strategy to deal with their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

According to Some People Matter, Some People Don’t there are some children in foster homes who haven’t been monitored for ten or fifteen years. Children in the foster care system do not matter to the rest of the world, as they are “thrown away and neglected, sometimes even killed to get rid of the responsibility,” stated O’Connor (2016). There is evidence that children may be disposable and worthless if they have a significant flaw in them, whether the flaw is a malfunctioning computer chip or a lack of guardianship. Human trafficking is a form of evidence that shows how people have become disposable “Human trafficking is the ownership 0 f another person, treating him or her as property, rather than an individual with human rights, with physical and emotional needs.”

Anderson (2011) described in the article Modern Day Slavery how human trafficking has become more prevalent in modern years when he remarked, “The International Labour Organisation estimates that something like 2.4 million people are trafficked every year; trade which is estimated as being worth $32 billion a year, with $155 billion of that in the trade of the 270,000 people to this part of the world.” Human trafficking in the world is more abundant, and it is a lifestyle the seems to be traumatizing and dehumanizing to innocent people, People have become disposable because they appear to be given prices and traded like objects.

Anderson (2011) wrote that over 10 percent of the people being trafficked are worth just under half the value of the trade in human beings because they’re coming to wealthier parts of the world Due to the fact that people are being trafficked at low process is evidence that people have become disposable. “Today, many people around the world that are enslaved are either tricked into being trafficked or are too young to understand what they may be getting involved with.” Humans may be The first is the total control of one person by another person. Dominated by the slaveowner, undergo psychological and physical violence, and be forced to work, all for little to no pay.

People appear to have become disposable because they are objectified and sold into human trafficking and slavery. Evidence shows that people may be considered disposable in recent years because of how populous the planet is and how easy people can be disposed of in death and over the Internets Individual lives may not matter anymore because of overpopulation or illness. Some may even argue that individuals can be discarded along with the materialistic items they use People appear to be cheap and easy to dispose of since the world is overpopulated, people with flaws are forgotten, and sufferers of human trafficking are disposed of every day.

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The Factors That Makes People Disposable Today. (2023, Jun 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-factors-that-makes-people-disposable-today/

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