Student Activities In Classroom

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Interactive teaching is all about giving instruction to students in a way they are actively involved with their own learning process. Students are expected to be active in class, thinking on their own, using their own brains resulting in long term memory retention and this makes their brain more active in many diversity ways. With this student knowledge will improve, their intrest, strength, knowledge, team spirit and freedom of expressing themselves in many ways will improve as well. There are alot of strategies to use which can improve student thinking, knowledge and also boost their self esteem in the classroom.

Interactive brainstorming can help them to be creative and also increase their way of thinking and it can also make them think of alot of ideas. Teachers often tell their student to brainstorm what they know randomly, first in groups and then as a whole class in general with the teacher or as an individual writing on the board. This boost the self esteem of the student whom were unable to contribute to the collective knowledge of class group base on whether they are shy or scared of giving the wrong answer in front of their mate.

Working independently in classroom also improves student performances, the teacher first give an independent task to the students to solve on their own and after that the teacher can create a communicative form or interractive form in which students can express themselves, even the average student feel more comfortable among the good ones because the teacher create a chance for the student to answer questions (Brooks, ”Can We Talk?” 67).. Even if the answers are not correct the teacher will not say that is not correct, rather she will say it in a way the student will not feel bad.

Communication in classroom is usually determined by the teacher, ”the teacher choose who to speak and to whom to speak to and also the teacher tells the student what they have to talk about and for what duration of time they should talk”(Brooks, ”Problems and Caveats”).The student have to wait for the order of the teacher before they can proceed on talking without the order of the teacher no student can go with the talking.

According to Swain, he said learners need opportunities to speak, learners must attempt to produce language in a communicative context, since acquisition requires ” practice under conditions of communicative stress”(Jones 136). The student feel more comfortable when talking to the teacher rather than talking to their mate. The student looks dirctly into the eyes of the teacher instead of looking at the class mates, they do this so they can know the impression of the teacher and to also know if what they are talking about is absolutely what the teacher wants. Student also listen to their mate to just to learn more from them and also to gain more ideas all along. If student are intrested in a particular topic, they pay more attention to the speaker because they want to know more about the topic. that intrest them.

Students tends to understand each other better sometimes than the teacher, because students use the vocabularies they all know which makes it easier for them to understand and they do not speak faster. This is not the case with the teacher, the teacher can use vocabularies that will be difficult for some students to understand and the student with low self esteem may feel too shy to ask what the word means, and the teacher can speak so fast and there is probability that some of the students will not grab what the teacher is saying and they can tell the teacher to slow down. But is possible to tell their mate to slow down that they do not understand what he or she is saying.

Experimental learning helps students to remain focus, student who are engaged and learning everytime are likely not to get bored in class. When student are involved in learning they are emotionally engaged and they put all their best in it and this help them experience learning in a new way.The appropriateness of any particular classroom interactional pattern depends upon the pedagogical purposes of the lesson (Johnson 109), and the instructor can choose from alot of format depending on the learning goal.

Experimental learning is concerned with more concrete issues related to the learner and the learning context.Students easily understand learning by experimenting than taking the theory part. They easily understand because they could see what they are doing and it is much easy for them to follow the steps they see compare to just reading from a book. Experimental learning entails a hand on approach that moves away from just the teacher at the front of the classroom transferring their knowledge to students. It makes learning an experience that moves beyond clasroom.

Buzz session helps student to improve also, students come together in groups and focus on particular topic, within the group every student contributes ideas and all their ideas are highly welcome. Everyone learn from each other an and also input ideas and experiences, and the teacher can give students some keywords to make their conversation more easier. The teacher can then call out a student who found their partners work to be intresting. Student are more willing to share the work of their fellow students publicly than their own work.

To conclude, constant learning of student in the classroom can facilitate their way of thinking and improve their skills, and alot of activities that is brought up by the teacher can help improve the students also. The method or skills used by the teacher helps the students to be more eager to learn and also makes them feel more comfortable in themselves, because the best way a student can learn is through class activities and experimenting what they are being taught by their teacher.


  1. Clayton M. Gjerde and Marvin D .Alcorn The school Review Vol. 61. No.4 (April, 1953), pp.242-247
  2. Canale, Michael, and Merrill Swain. ”Theorethetical Bases of Communicative Approaches to Teaching and Testing. ” Applied Linguistics 1.1 (1980): 1-47
  3. June Trop Zuckerman American Secondary Education Vol. 35, No. 2 (Spring, 2007), pp. 4-16
  4. Maclntyre, P.D., Doucette, J., 2010. Willingness to communicate and action control. System 38, 161-171.
  5. Penelope L. Peterson and Elizabeth Fennema American Educational Research Journal Vol. 22, No. 3 ( Autumn, 1985), pp. 309-335


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Student Activities In Classroom. (2021, Feb 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/student-activities-in-classroom/

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