Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, and Communication: A Review

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Self-concept is indeed influenced by lots of factors such as self-awareness and self-esteem. These factors, on the other hand, affect how individuals communicate with the people around them. However, it must be remembered that communication is not just about the ability to speak and talk out loud. Proper communication involves right presentation of oneself in the course of doing so. Hence, it is very important to understand how communication can be improved through selfpresentation.

But then again, it should be understood that self-presentation as well as communication are affected by the environment. This means to say that communication and self-presentation can be affected by the person one is talking to such as a communication between a job applicant and the hiring manager. The manner of communication is affected in ways that an individual might or might not be aware of (Hase, 1999). For a communication between the job applicant and the hiring manager, it can be seen that the job applicant will definitely communicate positive information rather than the negative ones.

This is particularly during job interviews when an applicant is trying to get the job being applied for. Many non-verbal ways of communication are being shown during job interviews other than the verbal ones. It has to be understood that job applicants are in a very crucial situation during job interview. They will do everything it will take to get a job especially if the competition is very tough and there are lots of other applicants. During this process of job interview, most of the applicants are not aware that the hiring managers are looking for their blind side. They are being observed in terms of their reactions and the manner they speak. This is a process being done in order to ensure that companies are not hiring nuisance employees.

The truth though is that nervous job applicants tend to show their blind spot more than anyone else. Most of the job applicants will stutter and will do gestures like avoiding eye contact. It is a known fact that nervous job applicants will tend to avoid eye contact with the interviewer as they feel intimidated at times by the authority exuded by the person. In this regard, it is advised that job applicants must choose carefully what emotions should be shown to the interviewer. Hence, it can be seen that the hidden area mentioned at the Johari window is the most used window during job interview.

It is a known fact that all individuals in the whole world have the privilege to show all their emotions to the world but aside from that they also have the privilege choosing what and what not to show especially if it concerns themselves. A classic explanation of this is the job interview (Handy, 2000). Job applicants may look so calm and peaceful from the outside even if the interview is killing them from the inside.

They choose to expose the calm side of them so as to avoid screwing up the interview and lose the chance of landing the job. Blind spot such as letting the hands fly around the room when making certain points in the room is not a good sign of self-presentation. Nervousness during interview will make the job applicants unease. Hence, they tend to make hand gestures while answering the interviews in order to ensure that they are making their point clear. However, it only shows that they are not confident enough.


But then again, it has to be remembered that there are many ways in which a person can actually use non-verbal communication to impress a job interviewer. Being prepared for a job interview by being dressed professionally and by being neatly groomed will speak a lot about oneself. Self-presentation is essential during job interviews so as to speak.

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Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, and Communication: A Review. (2022, Nov 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/self-concept-self-esteem-and-communication-a-review/

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