Relation of Science and Technology

  • Updated January 25, 2021
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Science and technology play an important role in our daily lives. We are lucky enough to have both of these advances everywhere we look. While science is the study of the natural world, technology is the science put into practical use to solve problems or to create inventions. This advancement is evident with the cars we drive. When I first started driving there was no such thing as Bluetooth connectivity. Now, we can connect our phones to our car radio via Bluetooth. We can play music from our playlists, and even GPS our destination. This advancement has benefited schools by way of smartboards instead of the traditional white boards that we write on and erase when we are done.

Our mobile phones aren’t just phones anymore. They are smart phones. For Apple, it’s the iPhone, you can click the home button and ask “Siri” anything and she will provide you with an answer. Science and technology are usually paired together, but what are they exactly (Erickson, 2013)? Science is insightful thought about the world and its behavior. It is curiously and intently watching, listening, observing and documenting the world around us (Erickson, 2013). Technology is the application of science to solve problems (Ramey, 2013). Science and technology are very different subjects that work hand in hand. Science and technology are related but not only because technology is the application but because technology can be used to do science. In other words, science and technology are paired together but you can’t have technology without science.

Biotechnology is one of the many successful pairings of science and technology working together. Biotechnology is technology that uses biological systems, living organisms or parts of this to develop different products. It is the technical application that uses biological systems and living organisms to make, modify or improve human health and human environment. While there have been many discoveries in the development of biotechnology, two of the most important were DNA and genetic engineering.

DNA is often referred to as a genetic blueprint for life. DNA lead scientists to unravel the mysteries of our genetic makeup. Genes hold information for the nature a protein found in DNA many diseases result from genes that are not functioning properly (“Modern biotechnology,” 2010). Understanding genes and the implications of activating or deactivating certain genes led to gene therapy which is used to treat certain cancers and cystic fibrosis (“Modern biotechnology,” 2010).

Ultimately biotechnology is controversial due to nature of the technology. There will always be a fine line that scientists and research need to make sure they don’t cross. Especially when it comes to the manipulation of science and human life. Biotechnology has made an extensive effect on modern medicine; using our genes for gene therapy has led us to correcting defective or mutated genes in order to cure or fight a disease that was once considered terminal. Creating genetically modified food such as strawberries or tomatoes can withstand cold temperatures and guarantee a higher yield in crops (Verma & Singh, 2011).

This would be beneficial for countries that are dramatically impacted by natural disasters such as droughts or hurricanes. Scientists are always under scrutiny about their work; from stem cell and cloning to genetic engineering to the sale of organs for transplant, there isn’t a shortage in bioethical debates. There is always going be rising questions with concern for biotechnology. While the benefits of the research and development of biotechnology is important for all sorts of reasons including medical and agricultural it is important that scientist get there while maintaining ethics and while being affordable (Silverman, 2008).

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Relation of Science and Technology. (2021, Jan 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/relation-of-science-and-technology/

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