Radiation and Ionizing and Non Ionizing Classification

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Radiation is an emission of energetic particles or energetic waves. In radiation machines these energetic particles are sent through a matter containing media. There are two classifications of radiation. Radiation can be both lonizing or non-ionizing. Ionizing radiation is radiation with sufficiently high energy that can ionize atoms (Wikipedia, 2013). Examples of lonizing radiation include X-rays and gamma rays. Non-ionizing radiation are any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum to ionize atoms or molecules to completely remove an electron from an atom or molecule (Wikipedia, 2013). Examples of non-ionizing radiation are radio waves, heat or visible light.

Whether lonizing or non-ionizing either classification of radiation can produce harmful effects or if levels are low enough radiation may go undetected because of their diminutive outcomes. Different biological effects include injured or damaged cells that can repair themselves and that results in no damage. Another effect can be that cells die, which does not seem that big of a deal if you think millions of our body cells die every day through normal biological processes either way. Last, cells may in incorrectly repair themselves resulting in a biological change (U.S.N.R.C, 2012, Fact sheet on biological effects of radiation.)

lonizing radiation is however far more harmful to living organisms and have the ability to cause damage to DNA. Non-ionizing is considered harmless at low powers with no temperature rise but can be damaging depending on the thermal energy deposited. All of the ultraviolet energy hitting earth is non-ionizing but through heat effects this non-ionizing radiation can cause sunburns and other effects. Non-ionizing radiation is said to have a safe lower limit while ionizing radiation is considered to have no completely safe lower limit. (Wikipedia, 2013)

Radiation affects people in different ways, and it is not possible to indicate which dose of radiation is needed to be fatal for cach individual. However, According to the Unites States nuclear regulatory commission, “it is believed that 50% of a population would die within thirty days after receiving a dose of between 350,000 to 500,000 mrem (3500 to 5000 mSv) to the whole body, over a period ranging from a few minutes to a few hours. This would vary depending on the health of the individuals before the exposure and the medical care received after the exposure. These doses expose the whole body to radiation ina very short period of time (minutes to hours). Similar exposure of only parts of the body will likely lead to more localized effects, such as skin burns “(U.S.N.R.C, 2012, Fact sheet on biological effects of radiation.)

Depending on its power, non-ionizing radiation can cause thermal effects by inducing tissue reaction related to the organism’s temperature elevation. Reactions of thermal effects can include hyperthermia in other words “cellular death”. Coagulation in which the tissue whitens and retracts due to protein and collagen denaturation then afterwards is eliminated through a scarring wound (OPI, n.d. laser safety)

Laser radiation, which falls into the non-ionizing radiation category, emits light through an optical amplification which is a process based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. Uses of lasers include Medicine, industry, military, law enforcement, product development, and cosmetic purposes. Lasers are labeled by class of how dangerous. Class one is inherently safe contained light, example, CD players. Class two is safe in normal use example, laser pointers (1 mw power). Class three R up to (Smw) involves small risk of damage. Class three B can cause immediate damage. Class four can burn skin, scattered light; examples of this may be industrial and scientific lasers. Lasers can affect the human eye in harmful ways. Unprotected eyes are very sensitive to laser radiation and can have irreversible damage from direct or reflected beams of laser. Visible or near infrared light exposed directly to the retina can cause permanent legions. Photophobia, a redness of the eye, tearing, discharge, and stoma haze are just a few of the effects that excessive exposure to UV light in the cornea and lens of the eyes may result to (UC San Diego, 2012)

In lonizing radiation acute exposure is a high dose of radiation during a short period of time. Acute exposure can cause effects such as nausea and vomiting, malaise and fatigue, increased temperature, blood changes, bone marrow damage, damage to cells lining the small intestine and even damage to blood vessels in the brain. These effects are of extreme cases in which accidental exposure to high amounts of ionizing radiation occurs during a short period of time and are highly unlikely to happen. Delayed effects are from continuous low level exposure in which affects may not be apparent for years. Most common forms of delayed effects are various forms of cancer such as leukemia, bone cancer, thyroid cancer, and lung cancer. It can also form genetic defects such as mal formations in children born to parents exposed to radiation (University of Toronto environmental health and safety, n.d.) Still no data has established the occurrence of cancer following exposure to radiation dose rates below 10,000 mrem (100 mSv).

Aside from its harmful effects, radiation has also been used as a therapy for many health related conditions. As far as the FDA is concerned, the safety considerations have been largely satisfied. Still, further research is needed to determine efficacy with medical conditions other than carpal tunnel syndrome and neck pain (Denegar, n.d. Biological effects of radiation, para.1)

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Radiation and Ionizing and Non Ionizing Classification. (2023, Apr 03). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/radiation-and-ionizing-and-non-ionizing-classification/

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