It Takes Time and Patience to Achieve What You Want

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I have learned so many things this past year in Expository Writing. I have learned that an argumentative essay or essays are organized in many different ways. Argumentative essays have one popular format which is the five paragraph essay. The five paragraph essay includes an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion. The introduction includes an explanation of the issues background information and the author’s position.

A couple of things that I need to work on while writing an essay is to show that I can think in ways that expresses disapproval or in ways that expresses or involves a detailed examination of elements or structures of an essay. This means going beyond the unexpected and showing people with what I can really do if I gave it some time and patience to do so and that my essay can become even more effective and successful later on in my life.

Personal goals and objectives that I want to achieve that stay in my mind the most or seem the most important to my work in the course is to gain knowledge and help out the ones who want and don’t want to be helped. I want to travel the world and be able to develop the ability to express my feelings through nothing but words. So that I can be able to portray my feeling to others in ways they never thought they’d ever find themselves hearing. I want to be able to make a difference in this world and have everyone come together as one instead of having so much hate and disrespect toward others. I need to find myself working on how to express that feel in words just a little bit more than I already have.

How I manage my writing and revision is by making a few changers here and there. Also that I open myself up to parts of the paper that I may be writing even though that my paper might need to be re thought or re written. I might find myself getting attached to my paper and might be very unwilling to change a word or let alone a paragraph or two. Another would be not knowing exactly what is wrong with my paper. It will help me accomplish my goals if I just found myself getting it done. It will teach me to become a very well writer. They always say “The best way to learn to write is to re write.” I also learn to find the weaknesses in my writing. In the end it just takes the time and patience to achieve what you want to achieve.

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It Takes Time and Patience to Achieve What You Want. (2022, Oct 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/it-takes-time-and-patience-to-achieve-what-you-want/

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