Impact of Technology on Fashion Opinion Essay

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The clothing and textile industry, like many other industries have been forced to adapt to change and go along with technology. A lot is changing in the industry which extends to the fashion bit of it that has also been triggered to change. Technology according to (Wortmann & Flüchter, 2015), has penetrated into areas of our lives that were thought to be unreachable before.

The whole concept of technology is about innovation and the same applies to the world of fashion, it is a sector that is constantly changing, a fact that prompts the people responsible to always be innovative in order to be able to satisfy needs that the consumer wants and needs all in one instead of just providing them with something to wear because it is a necessity to a human being to be dressed up.

Designers in the world of fashion are always presented with the opportunity to expand on their creativity because the industry of fashion is one that is never on the same level for a long time, trends keep on coming and going, a key factor that influences the buying decision of the consumer.

Kusterbeck, (2008), recognizes that there is increased competition and development, globally in the fashion industry hence, it takes a unique factor or rather a unique way of handling things to be able to gain competitive advantage and be able to woo consumers to stay loyal to your brand.

One of the ways in which many companies dealing in fashion have been able to stay on top of competition is by making good use of technology. Understanding the need for technology in the fashion industry, enables an organization to perform better than competition and gain competitive edge over them.

Technology has enabled radical changes in the fashion industry to take place especially among the professionals who are seeking to concur a bigger market and gain new consumers as well as retaining them. Technology has changed the creativity in both software and hardware that is related to the fashion world, (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000).

When we talk about the software bit of it, it simply refers to the channels of communication and access to information that has become unlimited to designers and everyone else in the industry. Through communication far and wide, exchange of ideas is facilitated and new ideas are born, as per unlimited information that is available to everyone, designers are always learning new things.

When it comes to the hardware part of it, there has been a change in the way fabric was being made, the same applies for the final clothes whose designing and making is greatly influenced with technology.

Impact of Technology on Fashion

Accelerated productionSince the evolution of technology took place in various industries, the fashion industry has seen a lot of fundamental changes in how everything was being done compared to earlier.

Simple things in the industry have changed such as the rate of production, this is according to Tenuta, (2017) who also stresses on the fact that technology has accelerated the speed of production and the whole process with regards to fashion and satisfying consumer needs. This is an evident change in the fashion sector. With accelerated production, more sales are pushed for, something that is a gain for the organization.

3D use in Design

Before production can be done, the aspect of designing must be taken into account. Technology has been designed in such a way that it allows the principles in fashion and design to be applied with the aim of rendering the best fashion for market needs. Designing in today’s world goes beyond having creativity to come up with a design.

The ability to use the right tools when designing also accounts for a lot, (Seymour, 2010). A good example of the transitioning that can be observed in the aspect of designing and how technology has influenced it is by taking a look at a software called Brozware which transforms images into 3D patterns where the designer gets a real glimpse of the end product.

With the availability of such tools for designing, one can be able to recognize their mistake and make amendments where necessary. Designing has been made easier through the virtual prototyping, (Mckinsey, 2014). Still in this case, as the organization, they are able to interact with the client and get to show them what they should expect as a final product presents the organization with feedback that is meant to also help and improve on what the consumer wants considering they are the end users of the product.

Technology that is Embedded

Seymour, (2010) brings to the attention that both production and designing have been incorporated in technology to give consumers a whole new view of fashion through fashion wearables which come in the form of jewelry, accessories and clothing. Hiremath, Geng, & Kunal, (2014) are of the opinion that technology has changed the fashion wearables that consumers today are looking to buy.

These wearables that have been inspired by technology are found clothes, accessories, necklaces and hats. The embedding of wearables certainly changed the industry for good bringing out a new look for both women and men who are into fashionable items of clothing.

Still on the embedding of clothes, through the use of technology, designers have been able to stimulate prints onto fabrics such as animal print that are a trendy thing especially in the line of women’s wear, a factor that has led to the improvement of how services are being provided in the fashion industry, (Rogers, 2010).

Technology has also enabled designers to come up with prints that they were not in existence before hence creativity has been achieved from the same. Technology provides a working space that breeds new ideas among designers, a factor that boosts the fashion industry, (Mckinsey, 2014).

Sportswear and health is one of the key areas in which wearables in terms of technology has been concentrated on. This is something that can already be seen in professional sports such as basketball. New products are being invented to aid in efficiency of clothes during a game and even after a game to prevent injuries and help achieve maximum performance from the player. Borges et al, (2008) brings to our attention that these wearable are mostly used among athletes to help keep track of body and muscle activity and respond to it accordingly.

One example of technology being used in this way is the existence of the Nike Hyperadapt, a product from Nike’s shoe line. Just from the name, the shoes adapt to whatever the person wearing it is doing. Once you wear the shoes, the tighten themselves to fit your footing, in case your legs expand, your shoes expand.

It is also a self-lacing shoes that makes it easier for the user by taking their hands off ever checking on the laces, the shoe is used among a lot of basketball players in the world.

Retail, Marketing and Selling

Technology has inspired creativity across all processes involved with fashion and not forgetting the processing of selling the clothes and shoes that are acquired through technology, Balmer, (2008). It is necessary for creativity to be also applied in the retail part of fashion otherwise, these products that will have cost a lot to come up with will all go into waste. For retail to be a success, communication is key and should be done efficiently because it is through communicating to clients that they will be able to know of the existence of the new and improved products in the world of fashion.

Through technology, fashion designers are no longer limited on how they choose to communicate to their clients , the goal is to reach as many people as possible, especially those who do not know about the company. Technology has provided a foundation where consumers are not only informed about the services and products of fashion designers but they also get to experience new adventures in the process. One example is that of Dolce and Gabbana, one of the top fashion brands in world, organized a fashion show for four days in the city of Naples, giving both current and potential consumers an experience of their lifetime, (Fashionbi, 2017). A factor of technology that is also hanging how things are being done in the industry is the fact that consumers are nowadays shopping online and expect products to be delivered to them, this is also taken into account.


It is without doubt that the fashion industry has experienced a lot of positive changes in the way everything is being done thanks to technology. Digital manufacturing, a very important aspect of production has been improved and has been made much better. With digital manufacturing, production has been made more efficient and what is produced is a replica of what the consumers really want since they can observe through 3D software which enable the designer to makes sure that everything is fit in accordance to the consumers’ preference.

We have also observed that there are wearables that are used either in clothes or shoes that are meant to improve on the efficiency of the users’ performance. These wearables also adapt with the environment of an individual and help in positive response. New and unique patterns have been achieved through the use of technology in the textile industry in the making of knitted, non-woven and woven fabric. Advanced technology, has enabled the processes of fashion to be much easier.

All these processes have been made possible with the aim of achieving some of the following goals. There has been a necessity to be able to counter environmental changes while still being to be fashionable, this is where technology has come in making sure that the body is protected even as fashion needs are being met. Technology has also enabled innovation to take place while incorporating culture in the manufacturing and designing of clothes and shoes, among other wearables.

Designers have unlimited access to art that helps them expand on their creativity all thanks to technology. Hyper body is another sector that has been made achievable through technology, Consumers can now manipulate what they are wearing connecting senses on the products of use. A lot of people today are leaving in a virtual reality where they expect service and product providers to do the same in availing products for them, technology is truly a game changer in the fashions industry.


  1. Balmer, N. L., (2008). Fashionable IP or IP for Fashion? Washington and Lee Law Review, 65(1), 257-282. Retrieved February 1, 2009, from ABI/INFORM. Global database.
  2. Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds). (2000) Handbook of Qualitative Research. California: Sage Publications.  Fashionbi, 2017. Internet of Things and RTLS Services.  https://fashionbi.com/insights/marketing-research/internet-of-things-and-rtls-service. Retrieved July 15, 2019
  3. Hiremath, S., Geng, Y., & Kunal, M. (2014). Wearable Internet of Things: Concept, architectural components and promises for person-centered healthcare. Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, 3(5), 304-307.
  4. Kusterbeck, S. (2008, November). Cintas Takes Control of Quality. Apparel, 50(3), 32. Retrieved July 14, 2019, from ABI/INFORM Global database. McKinsey, 2017. Digital manufacturing: The revolution will be virtualized. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/operations/our-insights/digital-manufacturing-the-revolution-will-be-virtualized.
  5. Rogers, E. M. (2010). Diffusion of innovations (4 ed.): The Free Press. Seymour, S., 2010. Functional aesthetics: visions in fashionable technology, Wien: Springer. Tenuta, L., Futures for fashion: functional accessories between innovation and fashion in the age of technology, PhD research, Politecnico di Milano.
  6. Wortmann, F., & Flüchter, K. (2015). Internet of things – Technology and Value Added. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(3), 221–224.

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Impact of Technology on Fashion Opinion Essay. (2020, Sep 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/impact-of-technology-on-fashion/



How does technology help fashion?
Technology helps fashion by enabling designers to create innovative designs using 3D printing and digital tools, while also allowing for more efficient supply chain management and personalized customer experiences through virtual and augmented reality.
How does technology impact the fashion industry?
Technology has impacted the fashion industry in many ways. It has made the industry more global, as people can connect with each other and share fashion trends from all over the world. It has also made the industry more efficient, as designers can create and test new designs using computer-aided design software.
How has the Internet affected fashion?
The Internet has affected fashion by making it more accessible and visible to people around the world. It has also made it easier for people to buy and sell clothes and accessories.
What does technology mean in fashion?
Internet censorship affects everyone who uses the internet. It limits what people can say and do online, and can even block access to entire websites.
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