Impact of Internal Processes on Landscapes

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The internal processes impact landscape in many different ways. Plate tectonics leave evidence of rearrangement.There are three different kinds of plate boundaries, divergent, convergent and transform. all with fundamental differences. Volcanic activity is sometimes related to fault zones as magma thrusts it’s way upward in the zone of weakness. Volcanoes produce magma, lava and pyroclastics that can generate two kinds of eruptions. The eruptions vary due to separate silica content and style of volcano. Earthquakes are the abrupt shaking of the crust. Most of the damage caused by earthquakes is due to the ground shaking. Energized by impressive strength within Earth, the internal processes actively reshape the crustal surface.

The crust is the the outer most layer of the earth. Composed of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock, new crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges. The crust becomes buckled and bent at divergent boundaries, typically represented by a divergent boundary, Land rises and is lowered, rocks become fractured and folded, solid material melts, and molten material becomes solidified. These actions have been going on for billions of years and are essentially responsible for the shape of the lithosphere’s landscape. Crustal mechanics is what makes it all possible. The lithosphere is what makes up tectonic plates. The lithosphere is the ridged outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and the upper mantle.

Seafloor spreading is a theory that claims midiocean ridges are formed by currents of magma rising up from the mantle, then volcanic eruptions create new basaltic ocean floor, that subsequently spreads away laterally from the ridge. Paleomagnetism tested the theory of seafloor spreading, and scientists were able to acknowledge the sensibility of the theory. Plate tectonics is the framework for understanding internal processes. Plates vary in size, but the seven major plates are intermediate in size. A lot of the smaller plates are remains of larger plates that are now being subjected. Tectonic boundaries are the boundaries between two or more plates.

Convergent plate boundaries are defined by plates morning toward each other. They are sometimes called “destructive” boundaries because of their removal or compression of the surface crust. There are three types of convergent boundaries: oceanic-continental convergence, oceanic-oceanic convergence, and continental-continental convergence. Divergent plate boundaries move away from each other. At a divergent boundary the asthenosphere creates magma which wells up in the opening, between platesA divergent boundary is typically represented by a mid-ocean ridge. Divergent boundaries have been called “constructive” boundaries because material is being added to the crustal surface at their locations. Divergent boundaries are also capable of resulting in continental rift valleys.

The last kind of tectonic boundary are transform boundaries. where plates move past each other. At transform boundaries the slippage between plates occurs at transform faults. Transform boundaries are known for being “conservative” boundaries because the plate movements are are nearly parallel to the boundary, a situation that neither creates new crust or destroys it. Transform faults can be easily found along the mideocean system. Transform faults can be associated with seismic activity and often produce earthquakes. Volcanism is a general term that refers to all the phenomena connected with the origin and movement of molten rock. Similar to the difference between extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks, is the difference between extrusive and intrusive volcanism.

When magma reaches the earth surface its called lava. Lava isn’t the only thing that outwardly flows from volcanoes when they erupt, Pyroclastic material including rock fragments, solidified lava blobs and ashes. Accompanying lava and pyroclastic material is gas and steam. All volcanoes are considered active if they have erupted at least once within historical times and is considered likely to do so again. There are 550 active volcanoes in the world, on average 15 volcanoes will erupt this week, 55 this year and 150 in a current decade. There are four general kinds of volcanos. These kinds of volcanos vary in shape and size, structure and magma and eruption style. The shield volcano can be found frequently in Hawaii. Basaltic lava tends to flow quite over surrounding surface, forming shie d volcanoes.

The structure of a shield volcano is layers of solidified lava flows. Shield volcanoes are characterized by quiet eruptions of fluid lava. Composite volcanoes. also called stratovolcanoes, are steepesided symmetrical cones, that reach heights of 12,000 ft. The structure of composite volcano types consistent with layers of lava flows, pyroclastic’s and hardened mudflow deposits. The ava flow is usually intermediate often andesitic, Composite volcanoes are characterized by both explosive and quiet lava eruptions. One well known example of a composite volcano is Mt. St. Helens in Washington. Lava dome volcanoes, also known as plug dome, are usually less than 2000ft high and are sometimes irregularly shaped. The structure of lava dome volcanoes is solidified lava hat was thick and viscous when molten.

They frequently occur within the crater of composite volcano. The magma that comes out of lava dome volcanoes is high in silica many times rhyolitic. Dome grows by expansion of lava from within. Lava dome volcanoes can be found in California at Lassen Peak and Mono Craters, “he last principle volcano is called the cinder cone. The cinder cone is a small steep-sided cone with a maximum height of 1500ft. The structure is composed of loose pyroclastic material. The chemistry of cinder cone volcanic magma varies. It is often basaltic. Cinder cone volcanoes can be found in Arizona at Sunse Crater.

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Impact of Internal Processes on Landscapes. (2023, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/impact-of-internal-processes-on-landscapes/

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