Illegal Immigration and Immigration Reform

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Is immigration reform necessary as a solution to America’s economic and illegal immigrants in America? The economic emergency has captured the attention of the Government and the American public, but immigration reform should not be forgotten. “The legislation effort of 2007 failed but Americans should not let it fade from the public eye.” (Davidson)

It is difficult to illegals workers to released legalization processes and larger companies of worker programs, and infinitely more so in the current economic situation. However, throughout the past few years, there has been an influx of illegal immigrants that a lot of people view as a threat to the sovereignty of our nation. This flood of undocumented immigrants has reproduced a debate about whether illegal immigrants should be allowed to cross national borders, provide an immigration reform and stay in the country to start a new life.

In November 2017, an article named “Argument for Illegal Immigration.” (Biden) Illegal immigration relays helpful effects to the U.S. economy by bringing in more jobs, dropping costs for U.S citizens, and by taking on the difficult job for lower pay.

According to the article, “immigration, over the Southern border, can be a good thing for the economy.” (Chantrill) Even though some Americans might agree that illegal immigration has its benefits, these benefits are outweighed by the disadvantages.

Other American might argue that The United States should put more money into security to patrol or borders programs because illegal immigration is more harmful than it is beneficial not only to the country but also to the citizens of the United States. Immigrants must be allowed to cross the borders if they are seeking for asylum. (Camarota) Supporters of illegal immigration Reform ac argue that undocumented immigrants help the economy whenever they pay taxes into the system and don’t get back anything since they are ineligible for most public benefits.

Nevertheless, immigrants are taking less than they give to our economy. ‘The Center for Immigration Studies reported in 2017.” (Davidson) Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $36.3 billion in costs on the federal government.

Some of these immigrants are good people, “who want to go to colleges, universities, or get any certification or diploma in the field that immigrants like, to contribute to America.” (Davidson) Several Americans might claim that Illegal immigrants are a threat to lower-income Americans. In the meantime, immigrants realize the demand of labor for low wages the more illegal immigrants takes on jobs for lower salaries, the more wages go down. Accepting illegal immigrants does have its advantages “They take jobs most residents of this country are unwilling to take.” (Davidson) These immigrants are hard workers.

Agricultural workers and those who entered as “children should also be eligible for the Immigration reform.” (Camarota) This will offer a process and a way to control the number of people coming to the country. These people would wait until existing legal immigrants become citizens, then they can get in line to become a legal immigrant. Another thing that could be done is to have a startup “visa for immigrants.” (Davidson) Who want to come here and start a business. If their business does grow further and is successful, they should then have the option to stay permanently.

In conclusion, there are many issues that display how immigration affects the economy positively. There are those who may argue with this idea, using the Reform act for immigrant or typical fallacies as evidence. These individuals look towards immigration as something to fear, believing that immigrants are solely hearing to take from the economy.

However, These ideas can be countered as stated before. Overall, immigration relays positive effects on the U.S. economy by bringing in more jobs, reducing costs for U.S citizens, and by taking on the laborious duties for lower pay. There is no stealing involved. With this topic, it is truly a matter of looking at an outstanding picture, which shows the influential properties of immigration. Not only this but also with a vast number of programs coming into play, it will make any work environment better-suited and productive. It is in that immigration is should be welcomed into the country, in order to develop and a happier and healthier economy.

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Illegal Immigration and Immigration Reform. (2020, Sep 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/illegal-immigration-and-immigration-reform/

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