Identify with Finding Yourself Value

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There is a famous Chinese saying: people are valuable because of self-knowledge. To know oneself is to know about yourself and to understand yourself. Gold cannot be pure and man cannot be perfect. In real life, everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages, which is normal and inevitable. Only by recognizing our strengths and weaknesses can we cultivate our strengths, overcome our weaknesses, and truly realize our self-worth. So, why should we identify ourselves really and fully?

Firstly, people should pursue, but not blindly pursue to keep a cool head, identify yourself, they can better realize the value of life. The pursuit of life should be varied, as graceful willow yearned for the colorful spring, bird yearning blue sky and white clouds, should always remember their most real identity, realize self-value, and cannot go beyond the limit, go to do there. Stand proudly in the desert sand and stones flying of populum euphoretic, created the undead, three hundred, three hundred, three hundred, the miracle of immortality, they are after is struggling with desert strong and unyielding, but never aspire to breeze, the drizzle falling in the Jiangnan water unyielding pursuit of faith, they keep the most really yourself, to recognize the real problem of self-worth.

Only by finding the right value orientation can we better appreciate the taste of life, instead of blindly pursuing and forgetting our true identity. We feel heroic ambition in the pursuit of self-value is a kind of wisdom, a kind of choice of life. And they said, let not the pursuit of life be one thing, let it not be: for every man shall lose himself, and every man shall lose his own self, and the riches and riches that he ought to have. The process of the manhood’s manhood requires us to fight with the spirit to break through, and in the pursuit of human life, to know clearly the value of my value, so that we can create the glory of life in the journey of human life.

On the other hand, to identify ourselves, how can we do? First, the value of life is determined in social relations. Life always refers to the life of a society, so it has a passive aspect first, that is, it is restricted by various social relations first. Second, the magnitude of the value of life is determined by the realm and degree of realization of the goal of life value.

Since people are satisfied and the social value of individual behavior is determined in social relations, the social ideal goal of society is the basic measure of assessing the value of the values of the values of the members of the society. Third, the determination of life value and the increase or decrease of value are also the result of individual life struggle. On the one hand, the realization of the value of life is restricted by social relations, but on the other hand, individuals have greater subjective initiative in the realization of the value of life.

Reference List

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Identify with Finding Yourself Value. (2021, Aug 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/identify-with-finding-yourself-value/

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