Key Factors of Success in Life

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Key success factors are things the most successful people do always. Every adults wants to succeed in life… True success doesn’t happen. Individuals have to follow it’s factors or elements and make it happen.

How Do You Define Success?

Some people see success in terms of money, power, position and influence. Though these are offshoots of success but there are cases of people who have them, yet, they end up as failures in life. On the other hand, an individual may not be rich or process those listed items and be successful.

Similarly, to some people, when they become a governor, minister,president, or hold sensitive appointments, they are successful.

Moreover, true success is not measured by what one is able to accumulate for oneself but what one is able and willing to give out. If you want to know your success level , then provide answer to this questions – how many faces have you been able to put smiles on this week? how many unemployed youth have secured jobs through you?

These are more gratifying and fulfilling than the number of houses or property you own. Success is nothing except you positively affect and change the lives of others. As long as you genuinely and positively touch lives and excel in your area of calling, you are successful .

When you make others happy, leaving legacy that the present and future generations will celebrate, contributing immensely to the well-being of those under your care are true definition of been successful.

Key Success Factors

The desire of everybody is to succeed. The opposite of success is failure, nobody wants to fail. Success therefore becomes a big challenge. What are the steps adults must take to succeed in life? Here are some key success factors

Time Management

Life is time and time is life. What we become in life depends on how we utilize our time. If your time is judiciously and effectively managed, you will quickly and easily become successful in life. Many people erroneously think that they have enough time. Hence, they waste precious time on irrelevant issues. As a result, they fail in life.

Value your time do not associate with people who would waste your time. See everyday as an opportunity to do something tangible. See time as a precious seed to sow or invest wisely. Decide on what you want at every particular time of your life. State the deadline to accomplish every task…

Let’s digress a bit to story of some great men who value their time

Successful People Who Value Time

Bill Gates, one of the world’s richest men, once said that if he lost all his wealth, within ten years, he would make double of what was lost.

Donald Trump, once lost everything in his business ; he ran into debts worth billions of dollars. With time, he bounced back financially and later became the world’s celebrity.

Furthermore, These great and powerful men value time. Time is precious , it is more precious than money. Value your time ; do not waste it. When you waste your time, you cannot recover it again. Decide how exactly you want to use your time to make great and positive impacts in your life and the lives of others.

Self Discipline / Self Control

Self discipline is important for whosoever wants to succeed in life. You need self discipline everywhere you find yourself;

  • You need self discipline in your martial life / relationship. Many homes have problems due to lack of self discipline.
  • You need self discipline at your place of work. Many workers have been retrenched as a result of indispciline.
  • You need self discipline to maintain your success. Many people have lost their rightful positions as a result of absence of self discipline.
  • Through self discipline, you would avoid unnecessary activities and expenses. You would remain focused and avoid anything that would rubbish your name.

Show me an individual that lacks self discipline and I would tell you a person that is heading for failure.

Self Confidence

If you do not have confidence in yourself, nobody would have confidence in you. In other words, you must have confidence in yourself before people would have confidence in you. As a result, it makes you rise again whenever you fall.

Reasons To Have Self Confidence

  • Opposite of self confidence is low self esteem. People with low self esteem hardly do anything with excitement. From whatever they say or do, there would not be any element of seriousness.
  • Most team enter the football field with low self esteem. As a result, they may lose the match. You can even predict the result before the match commences, defeat.
  • When an individual with low self esteem participates in a debate competition, the result would be poor performance.

Self Development

Formal education is good, but it is not enough. Despite your level of formal education, you should also acquire relevant and needed skills and knowledge through self development. Self development plays many roles in an individual life;

Reasons To Have Self Development

  • Every certificate has expiry date. Regular upgrading through self development would make individuals to become relevant and successful. If you fail to develop yourself, you become outdated.
  • Self development makes you a top performer. A top performer would not end up in low places. He would always be a sought after in the midst of economic crunch and high unemployment rate. Never assume that you know everything or that you cannot develop yourself again. There would always be something new to learn.
  • Self development makes you creative. It gives you willing and eager to always learn something new and relevant.
  • Self development assists you to come up with current, practical, realistic and exciting programmes and ways to improve yourself.

So therefore, let your commitment to self development become unquenchable or unparalleled. Keep sharpening your mental capability through self development.


Patience is the key to success in academics, marriage, career and business. Patience is missing on the dictionary of attitude of most people. Many people want to become rich overnight. They don’t want to wait for their time. As a result, many of them fail or crash. So, be patient, avoid shortcuts. Shortcut can cut short your life or career.

Do What You Love / Love What You Do

Success comes when you do what you love or love what you do. If you are not happy with what you do, you cannot succeed. Similarly, if you don’t love what you do, you would associate your work with pain and suffering.

Build A Good Name

To succeed in life, everybody needs a good name. A good name positively helps everything that we do in life. A girl without a good name would find it difficult to get good husband and vice versa.

Every employer want to employ applicants with good names. This is why employers request for letters of recommendation from reputable personalities from the applicants. In most cases, employers ask for recommendations from three referees.

Similarly, to get loan from financial institutions, among others, some of them request for letters from people as referees.

Other Reasons To Build A Good Name

  • A good name is an asset. If a worker is displicine, committed and honest, he would enjoy rapid promotion. Such worker’s name features regularly on the award list. Also, If a worker is dishonest or corrupt, such worker would destroy his or her own name. For instance, When the name of such worker is mentioned, he or she would be remembered for the past atrocities.
  • A good name would give you access to where money cannot take you to. It gives you honours and recognition which money cannot buy.

Note: A good name not only helps you but also helps your children and your relations.

Accept Responsibility And Stop Blaming Others

Accept responsibility, when things go wrong, thoroughly examine yourself to find out your contributions to the problem.

If you want to succeed in whatever you do, be ready to accept responsibility. Focus on yourself before you start blaming others. Remember that when you succeed, you would take the credit.

Similarly, when you fail, be ready to accept responsibility. People that will become great and successful in their endeavours are those who are ready to accept responsibility and not people that would trade words for their failures.

Once you develop the habit of accepting responsibility, you would do your best in whatever you do. On the other hand, if you develop the habit of shifting blames, you would find it difficult to succeed. This is because you would always have enough reasons to blame others for your failure.

Live For Others

People who live for others make great impact on the life of others. They commit their time and resources to the growth of others. Live for others by contributing to their progress, well-being and welfare. As a result, you would become happy and successful. Also, don’t follow The principle of ‘I, before others’. It may eventually lead to failure.


Associate with people that will encourage you to succeed. When you ask most people who smoke cigarette or Indian hemp how they started the habit, they would trace it to association. Similarly, when you ask armed robbers how they became into the illegitimate act of robbery, they would tell you that friends lured them into it. This is association.

But not every association is bad. Some people have benefited immensely from association. Learn to associate with people that would positively influence your life. An adage states that ‘show me your friend and I will tell you who you are’.

Desire Success

Ask most of the successful people around you, they would tell you that their success did not come as a surprise. Whosoever wants to succeed must not just fold his or her hands. You don’t deserve success if you do not desire for it. When you give attention to what you desire and discipline yourself in order to accomplish whatever you desire, you will succeed.

Getting Out Of Comfort Zone

Getting out of your comfort zone is imperative. Most people want to settle in their comfort zone because it offers them security and popularity not knowing that it’s the most dangerous place on earth.

Here are some reasons why comfort zone is the most dangerous place. Illustration will be added to each reason for better consideration.

  • Comfort zone affects one’s skills and knowledge.

Your Comfort zone may be your present qualification. Many people are so comfortable with their present qualification. As a result, they lack professional knowledge. I always encourage people to ensure that every five years they must improve themselves by acquiring more knowledge, skills or certificate for future purposes.

For instance, in the past, some people secured teaching and clerical appointments with primary school certificate. Today, things have changed drastically. If you get out of comfort zone now, any future changes in economy will favour you.

A man joined an organization as a graduate and worked there for about twenty years. He refused to undergo training or other programmes that would have made him current, creative and innovative.

Later in his career, his employers discovered that he was becoming obsolete. When the employer could no longer tolerate him, he was replaced by a younger staff that was more competent and dynamic.

Products and materials of yesterday are becoming outdated. The manufacturers of current relevant products and materials are looking for the ways to update them in the future. Similarly, If you do nothing or remain in the same position you are offered, you would soon become uncomfortable, outdated or irrelevant to your employer.

  • Comfort zone affects one’s progress.

Imagine that you are on a journey and you suddenly packed your car half way to relax. Other motorists would not stop their journey because of you…

Do not accept that place as your comfort zone. You have not reached your destination. There is no end to progress. See success as continuous or consistent of worthy achievements.

A man once lived in a rented room and parlour. He moved to the accommodation as a bachelor. He got married there. One of his daughters got married there. Others did their primary to institutions of higher learning in the same house. He became the oldest tenant in the house. The landlord with whom he first moved to the house later built and moved to a bigger house.

After twenty-five years in the same house, the landlord served him a quit notice. The tenant complained and murmured that his landlord was a wicked man. He told people that he paid his rents regularly and promptly.

The man saw the house as his comfort zone. While people prevailed on his landlord to allow him conclude the wedding of his second daughter before his ejection. Until he was ejected, He never thought of getting out of his comfort zone. As a result, he suffers accommodation.

  • Comfort zone prevents one’s from pursuing goals.

Many people would never do certain things except something bad occurred to their comfort zone. They see their comfort zone as the last bus stop. This is a bad habit. Do not accept any position as your comfort.

Where you are today should not be the highest position that you will occupy. There is a place for you at higher level. If you stay too long in your present position, the younger ones or your subordinates will meet you and overtake you.

A lecturer secured her appointment with a master degree. Her former student works hard to have a doctorate degree while the lecturer sees her master degree as high qualification.

They both worked in the same institution. By the time I met them, Immediately, the lady introduced her to me as her former lecturer. This is because the former student has a higher qualification than her lecturer. The lecturer must have noticed that while she was satisfied or comfortable with her qualification, some of her former students have met her and overtaken her.

Bottom Line

That comfort zone of today may become uncomfortable tomorrow. When you leave your comfort zone or do something you have not done before. As a result, you will be relevant, vibrant and versatile. As soon as you get to comfort zone, keep moving, do not settle there, move to another stage and on and on.

Bad Habits You Need To Quit If You Want To Succeed

To become a successful person in life, you need to quit some bad habits. These habits aren’t strange. They are things you do always and it must be quit if you want to succeed in life or accomplish your goals at early age.

Here are some bad habits you need to quit if you want to succeed ;

Fear Of Failure

The first bad habits is fear of failure. To succeed in life or whatever you do, you must avoid fear of failure. Because of fear of failure, many people do not even make any attempt to do something tangible. The fact remains that if you do not try or make any attempt, you can never succeed. When you make an attempt, it is possible that you succeed.

One great man said that he would rather attempt something and fail rather than not making any attempt at all. If you do not make any attempt it is certain that you would not make it or get it. When you fail, that does not make you a failure. It is only an indication that you have to work harder or do something else.

Failure is not the end of the road ; it only affords you the opportunity to review your past and forge ahead. A child is an attempt to walk, fall and rises again. Any child that has phobia for falling wouldn’t walk to time.

See success in every failure. Every time you fail, you really succeeded because you have learnt something. Be fearless; be brave and do not listen to people. Concentrate on your plans and programmes.

Make progress ; fear of failure could be a distraction from a set of goal. Fear of failure has a way of negatively affecting your mindset. Who told you that you can not succeed? Everything has a price. Be ready to pay the price in order to get the prize.

Follow the footsteps of successful people and determine to be more successful than them. Instead of fear of failure, take necessary steps to ensure your success. Failure may be an indication that you are working towards success. The fact that you made a wrong choice or took a wrong decision does not make you a failure. Most successful people did the same. Many of them failed initially ; when they failed, they picked up immediately. They learnt from their mistakes.

There is nothing wrong in making mistake. In fact, making a mistake may be seen as part of the learning process. So, make failure a stepping stone to your success. As long as you keep trying, you are not a failure. The only failure in life is a person that fails to try.

Many people make it in life after an initial failure. Fear is the opposite of faith. Instead of fear, have faith. Similarly, failure is the opposite of success. Instead of fear of failure, have a strong faith that you would succeed. Do not allow any negative thought to distract or disturb you. When you have faith that things would work as expected, you would be able to take a right step.

What you say is also important. Your word can bring fear or faith. Words of fear attract fear and discouragement. Word of faith brings courage and hope. Say something good about yourself, your family and your future. Avoid any word that would bring failure to you. Keep declaring positive things about yourself and your future. Do not listen to negative words that can make you to fail.

Remember, what you say affects what you see and both affect your attitude. One thing I have noticed is that God reward the risk takers. He also gives them more responsibilities and helps them to carry their loads. Many people have buried their talents or gifts. Few people have also wasted their lifetime opportunities because of the fear of failure.

Remember that you one day be called upon to give account of how you used the gift, talent or opportunity. The Creator would only be happy with you, if you do not waste them.


Another bad habits you must avoid is procrastination. Procrastination is the ability of ‘I will do it later’. It is the attitude of postponing the execution of projects, programmes or other activities to later date.

To succeed in life , you must change your attitude from ‘I will do it later’ to ‘I will do it now’. Except you do something, nothing would happen. Whatever you can do today, do not delay it until another day.


Another name for indolence is laziness. Nobody suddenly becomes poor. Poverty is caused by series of neglects, indolence and sluggishness over a long period of time. Be committed to your job or calling. Don’t be lackadaisical to whatever you do. Avoid sloppy and care-free attitude to work. Look for something tangible to do. An indolent person would never bother to sow while others are sowing ; this is why they always beg during harvest.

When you ask an indolent man why he is not working, he may tell you that there are no job opportunities. A hardworking person on the other hand would look for something to do.

Hardworking people can genuinely give commercial value to whatever they do. A hardworking person sees prospect where indolent ones see problems. A lazy man would eventually serve the hardworking people. A lazy person would find it difficult to get any recognition while a hardworking man would stand before great ones

Wrapping Up

Success is not a citizen of any nation or family. Success has rules and regulations. You cannot do the same thing the way and expect a different result. To succeed in life, you must therefore take necessary steps. When you keep yourself busy, when you go extra mile in that task of yours, you would be succeed.


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Key Factors of Success in Life. (2021, Feb 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/key-factors-of-success-in-life/

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