How We Dream

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Have any of you guys ever wondered about how you dream? Raise your hand if you ever woken up from a dream you didn’t really understand. According to a group study of french researchers, everyone is capable and designed to dream, even to those who feel that they never dream and can’t remember any their dreams. Therefore this applies to every single one of you. So why do we dream? What do our dreams really mean?

For those of you who don’t know, a dream is actually a series of thoughts, images, and sensations that occur in our minds when we sleep. We dream because our brain keeps on working during the night. Dreams are important stories our minds create when we sleep. Whatever you may of been thinking of the night before you fell asleep is what your dream is about. Or maybe something was bothering you so you might of dreamt of that! This is also known as continuity hypothesis. Many people have woken up questioning why they just encountered a particular dream.

However some of the research I gathered for today is how dreams can be associated with our behavior after we wake up. So let me ask you all this question. How many of you ever had a dream about someone that you know? Now keep your hand up if you were ever mad at the person you dreamt about because they might of said or done something to upset you in your dream. Well a research was conducted at Stony Brook university where around 39 participants shared what their dreams were about over the course of a 2 week period.

Around 26% of those people said they dreamt of their significant other romantically in a positive way, and 13% said they had dreams about their partners cheating. The ones who experienced the dreams that their partners were cheating said they found themselves upset and angry at them for the rest of the day. But, why were they still mad even after they have woken up?

Because their partner did something so awful in their dream, they felt anger in its purest form. According to Doctor Sullivan Walden, “If you wake up before the nightmare has had a chance to resolve itself, you are going to be traumatized and the emotions will linger.” She advises to think deeply and carefully about what the root cause of this anger might be. Remember that your dreams may be trying to tell you something.

Some dreams that people face are very direct and straightforward with their meaning. But not all dreams tell a simple story. Everyone’s dream contains a symbol that represents a feeling or a memory. One of the most common dreams people encounter is one of them being chased. The anxiety that comes from these dreams are so intense, that it makes it easier to remember them when we wake up.

These dreams come not from the fear of actually being chased, but rather what we’re running from. Many times, chase dreams can help us to understand what we may not be addressing in our life. If you feel overwhelmed or unsupported by your loved ones, you may experience water related dreams. For someone facing a major life problem, may find themselves falling in their dream. This next one is something I personally have never experienced during a dream, and hope that I never do because it sounds terrible and so disturbing just thinking about it, and that is about your teeth falling out.

Have any of you guys ever experienced this type of dream? Teeth can be a representation of power. They give you the power to chew your food, so if you dream that they are falling out, it could mean you feel that you are losing power over something in your life. Things that are beyond your control.

These are just a few examples of the most commonly reported dreams people experience and what they can mean. All of your dreams Dreams are an important piece of your life and great insight that you can gain about yourself, your relationships, and even your health, They are worth paying attention to. As said before, your dreams may be trying to tell you something, So keep all this in mind tonight when you dream!

Cite this paper

How We Dream. (2021, Jun 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-we-dream/

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