Homework Essays and Papers Page 3

22 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


The Huge Problem of Procrastination in My Life

Pages 5 (1 118 words)




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Homework Dilemma: Navigating the Balance Between Learning and Well-being

Pages 3 (548 words)



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Nobody really likes homework but it is an essential part of the learning process. As a student, you need to understand that your teacher is just a conduit of knowledge and skills you have to master yourself. The most important part of the learning is the part you do yourself, that is when you synthesize the information you get at, apply this information, and kind of generate the knowledge that stays with you for the rest of your life. For instance, if you read an essay on homework or listen to your teacher’s instructions, you get a basic idea of what to do, but the real knowledge comes when you actually write that homework essay. Learning to write essays is only possible if you write them, so you can listen to the teachers and experts for many-many hours, but you will only be good at writing your homework persuasive essay after you do it, and you have to do it again and again until you are really good at it. The same principle applies to any other skill.

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