Chinese Essay Examples and Research Papers Page 2

16 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

Chinese New Year

Pages 7 (1 553 words)


Chinese Culture


Open Document

Chinese Dragon Boat Festival

Pages 3 (550 words)


Chinese Culture


Open Document

How Did The Chinese Communist Party Impact Chinese Theatre?

Pages 8 (1 809 words)


Chinese Culture

Open Document

Museum of the Chinese in America

Pages 5 (1 007 words)


Chinese Culture

Open Document

Generational and Cultural Identity In Novels Of Amy Tan Narrative Essay

Pages 4 (923 words)

Amy Tan


Cultural Identity



Open Document

Chinese Festivals

Pages 8 (1 899 words)


Chinese Culture

Chinese Food


Open Document
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Check a list of useful topics on Chinese selected by experts

“Balzac and The Little Chinese Seamstress” Psychoanalytic-marxist Analysis of Luo

“Eat Drink Man Woman”: Confucian Ethics and Traditional Chinese Family Life Essay (Movie Review)

“Morality, Metaphysics, and Chinese Culture” by Vincent Shen: Book Report Essay (Critical Writing)

“New Normal” and Productivity of Chinese Companies Proposal

4 Reasons Chinese Companies Ipo in America

A beneficial plan for the Chinese society

A Breakdown of The Topics Commonly Use in Chinese Writing

A Chinese Cinderella – Autobiographi

A Chinese Language Google Version

A Chinese Tea Ceremony: The Art of Drinking and Serving Tea

A Cultural Comparison of English and Chinese Family Names

A lick of genius Chinese artist creates ink paintings using his TONGUEA

A Stakeholder View of Strategic Management in Chinese Firms

A Topic of Cultural Identity in Gene Yang’s American Born Chinese

About Chinese Festival

After Amy Chua’s article Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior was published the

American and Chinese Business Cultures

American and Chinese International Economics Report (Assessment)

American Born Chinese

American Born Chinese and the American Religious Experience

American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang: Novel Analysis Essay (Critical Writing)

American Born Chinese Reflection

American Chinese Gender Roles

Amy Tan: Chinese in America

An Analysis of the Current Chinese Economy

An Evaluation of the Impact of Rmb Appreciation on the Chinese Agricultural Trade

Analysing the impact of Chinese FDI in Africa: A case study of Nigeria and Ghana.

Analysis of the Chinese Modernization Program

Ancient Chinese Art

Ancient Chinese Art Research

Ancient Chinese Contributions

Ancient Chinese Contributions: Identify Eight to Ten of These Useful Inventions or Contributions

Ancient Chinese Foot Binding

Ancient Chinese History

Ancient Chinese Innovations

Ancient Chinese Inventions

Ancient Chinese Inventions and Contributions

Ancient Chinese Philosophy Tao Te Ching

Ancient Chinese Theater

Apple Inc. and Chinese Workforce Challenges

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