Cyber Bullying Among Children

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A million kids each day is effected with cyber bullying also known as exposing. They have to deal with the backlash and the texting each other and a lot of this causes violence. The fights that come and get posted on social media and the ones that don’t do it too much ok but. Social media is not good for kids at all !. Now as everyone may know everyone fights for stupid reason but most of the time it social media. When no one is there to defend them they take matters into their own hands and handle it themselves.

How well do you know your kids?not as well as you thought a lot of kids deal with depression.causing violence to happen. Like when they feel like they’ve been attacked or something that can come from a heartbreak or like something that happened in the past like in and on social media.

Sources such as what effects on behavior ,can back me up for example violence is always there ,desensitized is adaptive.”emotional numbing that characterize emotion desensitized may be adaptive allowing these youth to function and survive in dangerous environments our results also suggest that over time emotional desensitized contributes to more violent behavior and thus may bring maladaptive development “meaning kids can get sensitive get back by exposing I seen it happen. to a lot of kids that I know now it’s crazy how just anything can set an kid off and be violent.

I know I’m just a kid. you are probably my thinking what can u know I now a lot like. I went threw it myself. Cyber bullying caused me to get into an lot of kids plus I was going through a lot at the time.

How many us make friends violence for example from what effects on behavior sources says “extensive research evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to aggression behavior ,desensitized to violence nightmares and fear of being harmed meaning they are sometimes looking for a person like them violence is always in the head “ something this what you need a friend. like an best friend that always gonna have your back. But sometimes neveryone wants that.
So you want to know about your kid going to social media. All They do is to go Facebook It’s not that hard to go to social media and make an argument one aggressive. Learn new things to be talked out. fights coming up.

Everything happens there nothing stops anyone. You can even make new friends for example the impact of electronics ,media violences scientific theory and this article explains how it makes kids violence and how there an risk to health and children’s going crazy public health threats and aggressive adults in the future. “Social media comparison processes also lead children to seek out others who behave similarly aggressively in the media or in real life leading to a downward spiral opceee that increase risk for violent behavior. ” Kids like that become violence because of social media.

Kids everyday become violence to social media. Because it affects the outcome and makes kids feel like they’re all alone in this world and they don’t like that. So then after that without being said teenagers shouldn’t have social media.

Cite this paper

Cyber Bullying Among Children. (2020, Sep 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/cyber-bullying-among-children/



What age group has the highest rate of cyberbullying?
According to studies, teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 have the highest rate of cyberbullying. This is due to their increased use of technology and social media platforms.
What are the social effects of cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying can lead to social isolation and anxiety. It can also cause people to lose interest in activities they once enjoyed.
What is the factor of cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is the act of bullying someone online. It can include sending mean messages or emails, posting hurtful comments on social media, or spreading rumors about someone.
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