Corruption and Nepotism in Modern World

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The concepts of Nepotism and Corruption are a curse to many societies in the world today. There must be fairness and equality in judgement when considering a selection to a job or providing a subsidy or working for development. Max Weber’s proposes that selection must be based on merit. But Nepotism or favouritism are making government organisations, schemes etc substandard.

Corruption on the other hand is against the society’s interest and anything which is against society is unethical as the term of ‘ethics’ is defined by the society, from job selection, share of government benefits, allotment of contracts etc.

When viewed through morality, every person is entitled to the benefits that others do from using public services, access to water, food, business etc. One cannot deprive other from accessing a public benefit just because he or she is having right to benefit. Any right must be equally applicable to all simultaneously.

Effects of nepotism include degradation of quality in jobs, work, society and sense of injustice, aloofness makes people to raise in revolt at times dethroning even a constitutionally elected person. Any section of society will have a ceiling in tolerance towards corruption and nepotism and revolts like the Anna Hazare movement will arise for a just society to neutralize the impact of ill practices.


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Corruption and Nepotism in Modern World. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/corruption-and-nepotism-in-modern-world/



What are the types of corruption?
There are many types of corruption, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, cronyism, and extortion. These corrupt practices can occur in both the public and private sectors, and can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole.
What causes nepotism?
Nepotism is a form of discrimination in which someone favors relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. It can be a result of favoritism or corruption.
What is nepotism in society?
Nepotism is the practice of giving preferential treatment to family members or friends, especially in business or politics. In society, nepotism can lead to cronyism and corruption.
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