Communication Is an Important Tool in the Business Environment

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Communication is an important tool to help the development and maintenance of long-term relationships with those around you. In a business setting there are a whole set of techniques to communicate with potential and existing customers. These can range from national advertising campaigns to personal emails letters and telephone calls from dealers.

There’s a need for organizations to keep both internal and external customers up-to-date and informed about key issues techniques for internal communication might include meetings, discussions with your manager, company newsletters or magazines briefing from your senior executives internal emails and discussion boards and similar media external communications will include the whole range of marketing communications activities from mail shots to national campaigns.

However when dealing with local communications which might include formats such as letters, memos, informal reports and emails an example might be that a customer contacts a tall manufacturer to explain that the blades of his secretaries are broken. The customer might write to the internal customer services department at the company with an explanation of the problem and potentially a diagram of the blade, perhaps internal customer services personnel would phone write or email the customer and explain that its blades are available from his local garden center and contact details would be included this would be a two-way communication since the customer writes the original letter and then there’s a response from the company this would be an example of internal personnel communicating with an external customer.

A reverse example might be where you are a retailer and you argue, and you decide that you’ll try to find out when your next order of stock is due to arrive from your wholesaler. You might call their customer services department who will give you an estimate of the delivery time. There are numerous examples of this of internal versus external communications.

The communication is not complete until both parties have engaged in the process for example if you’re stranded on a desert island you might put a letter into a bottle and then throw it into the sea, this is not a complete communication. Once the bottle crosses the ocean and then is read by your rescuers the communication becomes near completion. Their rescue action completes the two-way communication so you keep your internal and external customers up-to-date with information via the communications process and the nature of the communication would vary depending upon the organization and the nature of the message.

It’s important to communicate for a number of reasons for example you might wish to create awareness to persuade or to inform, you may decide to negotiate or discuss matters with staff or suppliers. Obviously you want to build relationships but you might simply wish to disseminate information or pass on instructions you might wish to reach the masses or just an individual you could educate consumers stimulate purchases or remind them what a great company you are.

Human beings are social animals we constantly interact with people and other elements of the society we share our ideas, thoughts and information verbally and non-verbally therefore communication plays a very important role. Communication is the key to success, be it in personal relationships, communication with employees or employers in the workplace, everyday social life or even as a normal citizen. Communication makes a whole world of difference in how you portray yourself to the world. Communication plays a very important role in a person’s life, being a student, a professional, a political leader or even if you are the person next door. When it comes to your professional life communication plays an especially integral role. Any profession involves a great deal of interaction with various parties like clients, vendors, superiors, subordinates and customers. In a workplace, setting up effective communication helps in coordinating the work of different employees and produces overlapping of work.

Communication helps building a team by fostering genuine connections between the team members, it increases productivity and employee loyalty by inserting a warm work environment and cordial relationship with the management. Effective communication also helps in managing diversity managing conflicts and maintaining a smooth client relationship good communication skills are not just required to excel in corporate jobs there are many professions which are largely dependent on communication a teacher has to be an effective communicator so that your knowledge and ideas reach the students an artist should be able to communicate his thoughts through his art both verbally and non-verbally in sports being successful depends on teamwork and coordination for which communication is essential a good politician should be able to inspire others to follow his lean communication can make or break a leader therefore in today’s world of cutthroat competition proper communication is necessary to be successful in any field of endeavor you might have great ideas that could change the world upside-down but the world will know it only if you have the ability to showcase it so do you have what it takes

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Communication Is an Important Tool in the Business Environment. (2022, Oct 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/communication-is-an-important-tool-in-the-business-environment/

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