Chemical Composition Used in Swimming Pools

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Why is it important to understand the chemical composition of chlorinating agents used in swimming pools before using them? As a whole, chlorine is seen as a positive chemical that kills bacteria in order to prevent various diseases and infections. Without the use of chlorine, it may result in the creation of more bacteria that spreads to each person within it and damage to the pool once the pH drops. Therefore, a large majority of pools use chlorine to regulate and sanitize the pool water. However, it can also be extremely harmful to both people and the pool if it is not used with caution. For example, there are two types of chlorinating agents; inorganic and organic. If these two agents come into contact with each other, this can lead to fire, explosions, and chlorine gas release. This is harmful to humans as it can lead to several irritations and discomforts. This includes eye/skin irritation as well as difficulty breathing.

It is important to understand the chemical composition of chlorinating agents to avoid these risks and sicknesses. Ensuring that the pH of the pool is maintained and regularly testing chlorine levels is vital. In addition, understanding which agents are compatible and reading the labels improves the safety for the use of the pool. In conclusion, ensuring that you have the right balance between chlorine and water, as well as which chlorinating agents are being used together promotes safety and well being. Everyone should be made aware of what and how much of it is utilized before handling and using it in a pool.What chemical reactions result in acid precipitation? There are a vast number of contributors that lead to acid precipitation. While it can come from both human activities and natural pollutants, the leading source is from the emissions of cars, power plants, and factories.

As a result from burning fossil fuels, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NO) are released into the atmosphere. This, in combination with water and oxygen, results in a chemical reaction, forming sulfuric (H₂SO₄) and nitric (HNO3) acid. This is now in the atmosphere and naturally, the wind can spread it around the environment. These acids come from a result of burning fossil fuels and can now mix with precipitation, coming down as now acidic. A smaller contributor is the eruption of volcanoes. Certain types of volcanic activity actually produce both sulfuric and nitric acid, as well as hydrochloric acid (HCl). The precipitation that falls down has a lower pH due to the acidity of the pollutants and can seep into aquatic ecosystems as well as into soil.

What impact does it have on the environment? Any form of acid precipitation is extremely harmful to the environment and ecosystems. Forests are affected as the acid rain washes away the protective natural layer the tree has coated on the leaves, making it more vulnerable and sensitive to the weather, disease, and overall growth. In addition, when acid raid enters an aquatic ecosystem, it lowers the pH of the water, making it an unsuitable environment for many species to live in. This causes for many species to die. A majority of the fish can not survive in this acidic water, nor produce and hatch fish eggs.

Finally, acid precipitation largely impacts soil and growth/production of plants. When a normal pH of the soil is not maintained, microorganisms cannot adapt. As well, the acid in the rain absorbs needed minerals and nutrients in order for it to survive. By killing off significant contributors to the ecosystem, and destroying habitats, acid precipitation is harmful to the environment and often leads to the destruction of many ecosystems.

What sources of information are available on the safety or environmental implications of chemicals and chemical reactions? For the safety of chemicals and chemical reactions, there are several sources available to inform you before dealing with chemicals including WHMIS. Through labels, WHMIS helps people to safely use a product and be aware of possible harms and reactions that can be produced through the use of the product. When identifying WHMIS symbols, people know of the risks involved and take any needed measures to keep them safe while using the hazardous product. Why is it important to ensure that these sources are made up to date? It is important to make sure that these types of sources are up to date as work conditions and hazardous information can constantly change and differ from each situation and product. If the source is based on past information while the product has developed, the user may be unaware of what can happen and it puts them in a dangerous situation. Always reviewing and ensuring the sources are up to date increase the safety and awareness while using the product.Why is it important to understand WHMIS information, including Material Safety Data Sheets, before using any chemicals?

It is important to understand WHMIS information before handling the product and proceeding with anything because it puts you in a dangerous situation. If you are unaware of what a symbol signifies or the reactions that can be produced, you are not able to maintain a safe environment. For example, if you didn’t know prior to using methane that it was flammable, indicated by the WHMIS symbol, exposure to air can place you in a harmful situation. However, if you understood it was flammable, you can take precautions before using it. Always understanding WHMIS information ensures safety and allows you to know any risks and potential outbreaks you need to be careful of. It is important to understand an MSDS as it is a document that holds vital information. It keeps you aware of hazards and how to keep yourself safe before, during, and after the use of a chemical product. Like WHMIS, understanding MSDS keeps you safe so you are not putting yourself in a risky position. By following WHMIS and MSDS, you know how to properly handle hazardous chemicals without harming yourself or your workspace.

How does the addition of lime reduce acidification of water? The addition of lime reduces the acidity of water because limestone (calcium carbonate) is alkaline. It adjusts the pH of acidic water and neutralizes the it so there is no rapid change. By combining a something that is highly alkaline with something that is acidic, it neutralizes, which is why lime is used to reduce the acidity of water. The reaction between something alkaline and something acidic results in a balanced product. When combined, it breaks down the acid in the water and raises the pH, making it more neutral. This keeps bodies of water safe, and provides aquatic life with an environment to thrive in. Liming promotes a healthy ecosystem and keeps populations balanced. How can this reaction be applied to renew lakes that have been affected by acid precipitation? The reaction produced by liming is commonly applied to renew lakes affected by acid precipitation. The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) reacts with acid rain to uphold a constant concentration of carbonic acid by producing carbon dioxide in the water. The reactions raises the pH level which helps renew the lakes after the acid rain enters the water. This prevents the damages of acid rain and preserves/maintains a neutral and balanced environment. Although it will not fully prevent any damages, using lime in water in the event of acid rain helps to neutralize the water through the reaction between lime (alkaline) and the rain (acidic).

Why is acid leaching used in soil contaminated with heavy metals?Leaching is extracting, draining and separating a substance to make it more neutral. Acid leaching is used in a soil contaminated with heavy metals to neutralize the soil and keep it balanced. By removing the acids in the soil, it absorbs the heavy metal and toxins, causing the pH level to increase and for the soil to neutralize. This way, soil can function, regulate and support its surroundings.


  1. https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals/swimming.htmlhttps://home.howstuffworks.com/swimming-pool5.
  2. htmhttps://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/emergency/chemical_terrorism/chlorine_general.htmhttps://www.livescience.com/63065-acid-


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Chemical Composition Used in Swimming Pools. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/chemical-composition-used-in-swimming-pools/



What is the chemical formula in a pool?
CHEMICAL DOSAGE FOR YOUR POOL = Chemical Dosage = [14,000 gal ÷ 10,000 gal] x [20ppm ÷ 10ppm] x 1.5 lbs . Sod. Bicarb. Alkalinity 20 ppm.
What is the most important chemical in a pool?
The most important chemical in a pool is chlorine. It is used to kill bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause disease.
Which chemicals are used in swimming pool?
Chlorine is the most common chemical used in swimming pools. It is used to kill bacteria and other organisms that can cause illnesses.
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