Causes and Effects of Child Poverty

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Children raised in impoverish situation are presented with stresses that consequently effect, and interfere with successful promotion of developing. Youth brought-up in impecunious housing are more susceptible to malnourishment, insufficient schooling, social issues, and difficulty achieving tasks and/or goals, both long-term and short-term. This research topic will discuss various primal problems that lead to impoverishment, such as: how the word poverty is typically defined, focal causes of low-incoming living, how it is measured, how it affects childhood growth, impoverishment in families, and what can be done to put an end to it.

Defining Poverty

Defining poverty has remained a controversial matter; should it be considered a matter of financial standing, or a lacking general social expectancies? Economically poverty is calculated on a scale, by way of measurement, to achieve the absolute poverty line. The calculations from these computations, are used in determining the expenditures per dietary standards, these proceed to be used to provide an allotted allowance for nourishment and necessities. The absolute poverty line assumes a threshold, to which, if not met, bestows an inability to maintain necessary living and health needed to survive.

The imbalance of social equality, often compromises views of equality. Relative income poverty lines are used to equate the general average of impoverishment in a given population. In correlation to the U.S., these calculations sum up the average of the countries income and divide them in half. The standards to live above the poverty line, must exceed this percentage.

Measuring Poverty

On the other hand, many have questioned that poverty’s destitute state can alternately be defined. Some feel that it is not a measure of monetary standing, rather, the environment and area in which an individual lives. Is one said to be impoverished if they live in an area with a high crime rate, even if their income exceeds the poverty threshold? Should a person be forced to reside in poverty because minimum wage is not sufficient enough to match or exceed the total income meeting the poverty threshold? Does the need for government assistance determine impoverishment? These vast outlooks on the topic of penury, give great difficulty in determining it’s true meaning.

To be evaluated and considered to live in privation, individuals must not exceed a minimal income based upon all documented expenses. Universal understandings of poverty can only be acknowledged if it includes the diversified cultures of different areas. Economic struggles differ from country to country. Different measures are assumed to which regions can provide a certain quality of life. Poverty refers more towards a matter of survival. However, all the defining factors of this indigence state, give the negative impact on all developmental stages of a persons life, but most importantly; the affects on early childhood development.

Causes of Poverty

Many questions arise when determining the key factors and cause of poverty. Is it the fault of the impoverished people that they assume the lifestyle they do? Did poor judgement and bad decision-making lead them down this path? Does some blame lie with the government? There are numerous reason for the spread of poverty world-wide, various reasons include: job availability, spike in health insurance, shutting down public schools & the condensing of others, suffering economy, debt, miniscule government assistance, and low minimum wages. Statistics show that the two main causes of impoverishment are based deprivation of education, non-completion, and unavailable jobs that offer reasonable pay.

The continual cycle of low-income living only continues to grow. Instead of government assistance building up individuals, they wait until families are at a bad enough financial point to offer aide. These benefits generally don’t take into affect until an individual makes under a certain set income limit, or they bare children. Minimum wage in most states of the U.S., still remains at $7.25. If a person works full time every week for a year, before taxes they will only bring home $290 a week and $15,080.

New health insurance policies were said to be created to ensure that every individual would have coverage, However, because it has now become imperative to possess insurances, many health care providers are denying care to patients due to lack of coverage, if they have none, or limited coverage if their plans only cover up to a certain amount.

In many areas, public schools have been shut down to consolidate with others. The claim for most, is that not enough children were attending the school, or the government no longer offers support. In turn, this leads to overpopulation, limiting teacher-student relationships, mitigating academic potentials, students are less likely to pay attention, and teachers and more likely to simply pass students along, with or without full knowledge of expected materials.

Poverty, Education, & Early Childhood Development

Poverty naturally deters one from reaching their ultimate goals and destinies. One of the largest problems perceived, is the issue of education and, lack their of. With educational opportunities slim, it applies a discouraging factor early on, for, school is the primary way to make it out of poverty. The denial of proper education affects children predominantly at a young age; the initial years of school. Readiness for school, plays a critical role in early childhood development. Children are less stimulated to achieve academic standing. Based upon the neighborhood and environment to which they live, often they lack the parental support and sufficient role models needed. There is less use of positive and negative reinforcements.

Studies have shown, that children growing up in low-income homes are less likely to sustain the norm of vocabulary, show cooperation, and overall possess disadvantages in the form of cognition and behavior. Youth raised in unstable environments typically struggle from the everyday stresses of life, often this causes them to fall sure in obtaining necessary information and skills to continue to progress academically. Diplomas and Degrees are the biggest tickets out of impoverished areas. Educational discouragement early only lessens the chances of successfulness. Consequently, many will not complete high school. In the U.S., this in turn, leads to jobs that pay, on average, $10/hour and lower.

In other countries, children have even slimmer possibility of attending school period. Most of these countries lack the basic means to provide for youth due to the overall struggling economy.

Poverty and Families

Families help children adapt to cultures and socialize. The amount of time and attention a child receives from their caregivers, gives strong insight into early child development as well. Regretfully, impoverished families generally tend to lack proper parenting skills. Children undergo more scolding and reprimanding, as opposed to, logical knowledge, patience, and appropriate behaviors children would normally receive in a regular income home.

The basis of poverty at adulthood is primarily determined by, but not limited to; adolescents that were raised in poverty-stricken homes themselves, high school drop-outs, accumulated debt over time, and drug abuse. Unfortunately, the negative implications that poor lifestyles have upon families, usually reciprocate back to the children, and the cycle repeats itself. In the fight against poverty, everyone can pitch-in and do their part. The government does play a big role and the lack of assistance, however, if every person was willing to donate small portions to charities and food banks to build awareness, it could help rise above poverty and bring the percentages of those impoverished to a smaller proportion.

Larger school influences would play a big role. Consistency in school curriculums and individual student attention, regardless of the area or budget, would promote equality amongst all students and potentially raise the bar for academic completion; through praise of higher education. If they start out ahead, they can finish out ahead.

In conclusion, this research study covered, what it means to be impoverished, the affects that impoverishment has on childhood growth and development, the affects on the families, and ways everyone can do their part to demolish destitution. Development at a young age, molds youth into the adults they will, in time, be. Poverty still remains one of the largest issues world-wide. In order to promote the best aspects of livelihood, impoverished living needs to be subsides!


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Causes and Effects of Child Poverty. (2021, Nov 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/causes-and-effects-of-child-poverty/



What are 5 effects of poverty?
Poverty can lead to poor health, malnutrition, lack of access to education and information, increased crime rates, and social instability.
What are the causes and effects of poverty?
Poverty is caused by a lack of resources, opportunities, and/or support. Its effects include poor health, limited education, and a lack of social and economic mobility.
What are the effects of childhood poverty?
The effects of childhood poverty are numerous and can have a lasting impact on a child's life. Some of the effects of childhood poverty include poor health, poor educational outcomes, and increased likelihood of poverty in adulthood.
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