Body Plan Innovation in Treehoppers Through the Evolution of an Extra Wing-Like Appendage 

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The introduction of the article started with the comparison cicadas and treehoppers, the difference between these two insects is that the cicadas have two various forms, the colors, and texture of their helmets mimic their natural elements. Meanwhile, treehopper doesn’t have helmets, treehoppers are such aggressive ants, and they have thorns attach to their back. Without the thorn and the helmet treehoppers are very similar to cicadas. After a lot of experiments, and hypothesis researchers found out that some cicadas helmets have ‘elastic mobility.’

This elastic mobility is cuticular joints that connect the body, this attachment is called T1 dorsal appendage. Meanwhile, treehoppers’ helmet is distinct from their thoracic expansions and this evolved in the lineages of the insect. Throughout the entire article, scientist or the researchers came to an anatomic observation that cicadas’ helmet could be a fused pair of homologs that rely on genetic programs such as replication of the sister chromatid. With the experiment of T1-appendage-repressive scientist found out that, T1-appendage-repressive is a function of SCR of the cicadas that are only used for the eclosion of the function, but treehoppers Scr lost their ability to reduce their dorsal appendage. In the method section, they stated that inserted and cloning techniques have the same genomic position. In conclusion cicadas’ helmet are required to evolve through time meanwhile the appendages evolution are slow because of their strong selection pressure of locomotion.


As a society, we gained knowledge for reading this article the idea of how cicadas in different from other insects and the extinct insects. The furthermore talked about appendages evolution affect insects in a propitious way, comparing humans this is a different concept. Now scientists understand the difference between these insects in the articles and why cicadas are much different from one another because of their helmet.


Few of the shortcoming I was concerned about was not explaining the pictures or figures better in a way that can be understood because figure 3 of the article was explained with some of the experiment that the scientist did, the reason why I point this out is that the figure didn’t show any experiment on it but the scientist decided to explain it with the result of the experiment. The other shortcoming in the article was that the whole experiment was based on two insects that were tested if neither of them has helmets like the treehoppers and cicadas that have helmets that connect to their body

Personal Thoughts

The article was very formal and a little bit to understanding what’s going on, nothing that was done in the article or the assignment could change my mind on how I think about insects. I’m not an insect person I think they’re gross and there wasn’t any connection toward the article. I just think that what the scientist did and the experiment that they did was pretty amazing because they did all that to find if having and helmets as insect-like cicadas could be a good thing or not.

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Body Plan Innovation in Treehoppers Through the Evolution of an Extra Wing-Like Appendage . (2022, Jul 08). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/body-plan-innovation-in-treehoppers-through-the-evolution-of-an-extra-wing-like-appendage/

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