A Comparison of Newspapers and Television

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The final day of the month typical the day most members of any society really. scurry to pay bills, decide to make a special monthly meal, or even just relax and head out into town to catch a movie or grab a bite to eat. But, on the final day of this September, people have much more than just paying bills on time. Today Congress brought attention to a disastrous internal incident which had an individual armed with a knife climb the White House gates and sprint across the lawn towards the White House. Only to evade five separate rings of Secret Service members and effectively manage to simply walk into the front door and get deep inside the building. Given that it is thought to be not only one of the safest building in the United States, but as well as in the World, Americans have much to fear when such lapses in protocol occur. So much sure that it ties in with the rising fear of ISIS in Syria.

Today a man from Oklahoma was charged with first degree murder by beheading a woman at his job, with many fearful of his possible ties to ISIS or radical extremists. And both breaking stories today which call forward our nation’s security as well as how television news broadcasts deliver this information to us, compared to how a newspaper does. Generations have passed since families sat beside their TV sized radios during dinner. ears pressed against the speakers tuning into the nightly news. Now, news displays on a daily basis on television and newspapers are presented digitally online constantly updating us with breaking news. CNN. the channel I watched literally airs news all day. More or less just repeated stories from earlier In the day though different anchors and corresponders and breaking new stories when present. Although presented all day, they do separate it into several “programs,” At 11:00 am today, I tuned in to CNN to watch @ The Hour.

During the hour of air time, the predominate focus was on the White House break house story as well as the murder in Oklahoma. The first story broke with the headline, “Secret Service Chief Grilled over Security Lapses.” And to be honest it was more of a roasting. The head of the Secret Service, Julia Pierson, answered questions brought forth by Congress in regards to an incident that occurred on September 19′”, which had Omar J. Gonzalez, vault the gates of the White House and charge past several rounds of secret service officers. But how was he not stopped. seconds after planting his feet on the grass? Pierson answered that there has been countless times where the officers have stopped intruders as soon as they jumped over, but what was different HOW? CNN aired the meeting in more or less of its entirety as there was countless questions posed to Ms, Pierson in regards to the incident on September 19‘” and another that occurred in 2011.

The 2011 incident was in regards to a man shooting at the White House that was unnoticed by members of the Secret Service and only realized by a White House Housekeeper days later, One thing is hearing and seeing this news break. but it’s another reading it, And I believe that the telewsion broadcast of this segment was better delivered. Throughout the program, various expert guest appeared on the show to speak with the anchor in regards to the lapses of security. it was usually males. older in age. Possibly implying a level of experience and knowledge. But along with this, they display images (which are what makes the broadcast still more important than the print.) They gave a detailed animation of the exact course Mr. Gonzalez took when sprinting through the lawn and showing just how far he got into the White House, which was the East Room.

The information prowded though the New York Times article, written by Michael D. Shear and Michael S Schmidt doesn’t provide as nearly enough information concerning the issue at hand. It was more of a brief summary regarding the statements made by all who were involved in the meeting today. But if you think about it, given that CNN has been covering it all day. throughout several different programs breaking new details that keep emerging are displayed on the show. But no one’s going to re-write an entirely new article just to let people know that the officers who talked Mr. Gonzalez were off-duty officers. It’s safe to say that given this circumstances. the more reliable of mediums would be the televised broadcast. Although the New York Times website and App do frequent update automatically. it’s not as reliable as an anchor to stop talking about ISIS to jump into breaking news of a beheading in Oklahoma.

Which leads into the story that broke regarding Alton Nolen who was being charged today With first degree murder after beheading and killing a co—worker and attempting to do so with another, before he was shot by CEO of the company he had just been suspended from. He may very well face the death penalty as well as possible terrorism charges given the method of the murder and his fixation with several ISIS and Islamic groups as well as beheading videos present on his social media pages. During the news coverage for both though, there is a clear person swaying bias present in the tones of the anchors, in the words used describing specific details of the story, as well as the commerCIals also given. An Acura commercial, Excedrin (A migraine medication), JoS.

A Bank suits, the CNN Go App, and countless investment company commercials all seem to address a busy. well established indiwduals. However when reading both articles on the New York Times there doesn‘t seem to be addressing anyone specifically. But rather, the newspaper serves more of a source for what the details of the story are. Aside from the editorials and the opinion articles, the stories on the newspaper seem more of a distributor of knowledge, for the most part. Of course that may vary between different mediums, different newspaper companies sharing different views as well as different news stations fueling different perspectives of specific topics.

Although news has evolved in our current post-modern age the desire to know what is happening in the world around us will always remain a constant drive in our wakeless lives. We all want to know if we‘re safe, of the dangers of the outside worlds, and even see ifthere’s still a glimmer of hope of the good happening in the world. But when choosing which medium you want to be influenced by‘ pick the one that tells the truth. The one that will inform you rather than mold a specific mindset for you. When it comes to news you decide what you want to believe. Overall, although televised news does serve as a constant updating medium, the newspaper is more reliable in the sense that it‘s less likely to sway you one way or the other. In the end. it is yourjob to believe in what you want to believe.

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A Comparison of Newspapers and Television. (2023, Apr 15). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-comparison-of-newspapers-and-television/

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