A Blueprint Plan of My Goals for Professional & Personal Growth

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Executive Summary

What I learned regarding leadership and followership as to become a leader in the future. Next, we had an assignment which was based off of a person strengths and weaknesses as leader or follower to find ways to improve my traits with better qualities to a leader which many people can look up too. However, it is important for myself to a good leader by learning from teacher, employer, and mentors or from my own classmates. Even so, it takes experience and time to become a strong leader, a person can always learn new things or what they can improve upon by having guidance and respect that is a great leadership role. Those who learn how to follow instructions could one day become leaders.

On the other hand, a good way of learning experience of governance and followership is having interactive weekly assignments that the class has a discussion. For instance, during the classroom discussion, my professor provided me with insight on how to become a better leader once I enter into my future career. What I enjoyed about this course was that I had the opportunity to learn about other colleagues and their perspectives on leadership and followership.

The knowledge that I have gained from my classmates and from my professor has made me a better student because I plan to one day become a leader within an organization. I am fortunate to have been part of this learning community. I want to be able to collaborate with and study from other colleagues and leaders so that I can develop the followership abilities and the leadership abilities needed to operate in the workplace.

Three Goals

The first goal I want to accomplish is to work in the medical field as a doctor. I will be able to do this after I earn my master’s degree from Walden University. It important for me to achieve my goal because I want to one day open my own medical office for private practice in an impoverished and/or low-income area. Making the decide to put my education first and receive good grades while pursuing a medical school degree to become a great leader for my future employer. According to Kaplan, Klebanov, and Sorense (2009), “Character and leadership makes the difference between good and great performance” (p. 3). When I graduate with my master’s degree, I will be able to assist others by giving back to people who are less fortune than myself because there are many people living in my community who need support.

Moreover, the second goal will be to develop my ability to be a great listener. Kegan, Fleming, and Lahey (2014) stated “Imagine if you worked in a place where the definition of a “good fit” between the person and the job is “she does not yet have all the necessary capabilities to perform the role at a high level, but we will help her to develop them, and when she does she will have outgrown this job, and we will need to find her another” (p. 3).

It is good for a leader to be a good listener because he or she will be able to gain respect from employees, and that will show the team that the leader is a team player. If a leader sets the level of expectations and sticks to them, it will be easier for followers to imitate the actions that they see in front of them. That is why it is important to be a leader who is a god fit for an organization.

To expand, my third goal is to establish my own medical practice, to encourage other students who want to obtain a future business administrator with self-reliance and involvement. I want to give back to my community because I want to be able to share what I have learned with other people. If I can share my experience and my knowledge with other people, then they could become future business administrators. In reality, by having the opportunity to shadow future physician who have experience working with patients that need help.

According to Bennis and Thomas, (2002), “A crucible experience might be intensely private or very public; it might last a day or two or the span of a lifetime; it might come about through our own actions or the actions of others. Each person is tried in his or her own crucible” (p. 34). Counselling people is a process because a person must control his or her own actions and determination to be future business leaders to deal with complications.


My first objective is to finish all of my coursework so I can graduate from my master’s degree program. I want to earn the best grades possible to show that I am dedicated to learning from this program. Because I have access to the Walden University library search engine, I can research topics that will help me throughout my academic journey and throughout my future career. Using these resources provided from the school are beneficial tools that will help me earn my degree. For this purpose, I had to accept setting realistic goals for personal leadership within the classroom by always giving positive feedback to my peers in the weekly discussions during the 8-week course.

My second objective is to one day open my own medical practice. With the knowledge I will gain from Walden University, I will be able to utilize the business aspect in the medical field. The business aspect will teach me how to effectively become an employer, how to market myself, and how to deal with conflict and/or adversity in a workplace setting. I will use what I have learned in my master’s program as a guide on how to be a leader in the medical field. I will also seek advice from other colleagues so that they can teach me how to become a future leader in my career.

Measurable Milestones

The first milestone chart will cover a two-year period. I have assignments that are due three times throughout the week, and those include: (1) weekly discussions, (2) weekly peer responses, and (3) weekly application assignments. My goals will be achieved by completing all of the weekly assignments. Therefore, as a result by providing positive feedback and while communicating with my peers will help my understanding of critical thinking and while responding in constructive criticism.

According to Bradberry (2018), “A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit” (p. 83). A leader should be generous and he or she should praise his or her followers or employees for their successes within the company. In order to promote a successful team, every person should have the chance to achieve in the workplace.

Continuously, my second milestone to measure is my progression from earning my master’s degree from Walden University, to attending and completing medical school, to completing my residency, to opening my own medical practice. I will measure this progression because I have a set time period in which I want to accomplish these goals. I want to have the aforementioned tasks completed within 10-year timeframe. My progression will include how effective and driven I am to completing these goals without taking time away from my personal life. Within this timeframe, I could learn how to become an effective leader.

In conclusion, the personal evaluation and daily efforts from the action goal plans which outlines the blueprint will show my desire to successful complete my business plan to open my own medical practice by obtaining my master’s degree. Earning my master’s degree will enable me to learn the business aspect of running a great organization. I will be able to groom other business leaders in the medical field as a result of the knowledge I have gained from Walden University. I will implement my milestones so I know what I have to do move forward in my career. My objectives will provide me with a plan that can measure my future success as a leader.

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A Blueprint Plan of My Goals for Professional & Personal Growth. (2021, May 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-blueprint-plan-of-my-goals-for-professional-personal-growth/



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