World Hunger

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People all over the world go days without having a meal to eat. World hunger has been an ongoing problems for years and people all over talk about it but they do not do anything about it. Food is central to human well-being it provides the body with nourishment.

Although food may be a basic human need, too many people are trapped in a cycle of hunger by forces beyond their immediate control, like poverty, disaster, conflict and inequality. People die from starvation everyday everywhere on the planet. Hunger is caused by several events, including the poverty trap, natural disasters, war, poor agricultural infrastructure, and over-exploitation of the environment.

“Every day, 35,000 people die from hunger or hunger-related diseases – 13 million people a year.” (mary ellen yates) There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet, yet the numbers keep increasing by the year. “The report shows the amount of hungry individuals has fully grown to 821 million in 2017 from 804 million in 2016.” India has a population of over 1.3 billion, and has seen tremendous growth in the past two decades, but India still has 190.7 million people who do not have food.

People believe that starvation is not such a bad thing because it is important to low paying jobs. People that live in poor countries will do anything to earn money for food. Which means working for the smallest amount of money. Business owners sometimes see how desperate an individual can be, so they take advantage of them. “Hungry individuals square measure the foremost productive individuals, particularly wherever there’s a requirement for labor.” (George Kent) Imagine how difficult it is for the people who have been rundown and cannot work anymore, elders who cannot move or travel on their own. The only reason they work for low pay is so they can survive. “hunger at the same time causes low-paying jobs to be created” (George Kent)

World hunger is going to continue. People will talk about how big of a problem it is and not do anything to help. The rate of death due to starvation is only going to rise dramatically. The numbers keep increasing but we have enough food to help more than half of the population without. The starvation problem is something people can’t control due to their living situations. World hunger refers to hunger aggregated to the global level.

Related terms include food insecurity and malnutrition. Although deficiency disease includes each overnutrition and undernutrition, the focus for global hunger is undernutrition.There are two basic types of malnutrition/undernutrition. The first and most vital is protein-energy deficiency disease (PEM), or a lack of calories and protein. Food is born-again into energy by humans, and the energy contained in food is measured by calories. Protein is critical for key body functions, including the development and maintenance of muscles.

Protein-energy deficiency disease is that the a lot of fatal style of deficiency disease/hunger and is that the kind of malnutrition that’s brought up once world hunger is mentioned. This leads to growth failure. The overwhelming majority of hungry folks board lower-middle-income regions, which saw a 42 percent reduction in the prevalence of undernourished people between 1990–92 and 2012–14. Despite this progress, in 2016, the global prevalence of undernourishment has been rising (Food and Agricultural Organization [FAO] et al., 2017).

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World Hunger. (2021, Jun 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/world-hunger/

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