What It Takes to Have a Career in Graphic Design

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Have you ever wondered who comes up with all the designs we see on brochures, posters, magazine/newspaper layout, T-shirts, signs, logos, websites etc.?

Graphic design is a growing business. Everywhere you look it is all around us in our daily lives. It is a profession that has a variety of possibilities and allows you to use your own creativity and technical savvy-ness in order to express and reflect the different aspects of societies. Most graphic designers work for companies in large cities while others work solo doing freelance and move from state to state, so salaries vary from person to person as well as state to state depending on the needs and wants of the consumers. In this line of work a formal degree isn’t really necessary. Nonetheless, many entry-level positions call for an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree due to the competitiveness of the field.

The career opportunity in this sphere is very wide and full of choices because of the increasing need for graphic designers directly related to the fast and ever-increasing demand for Web-based graphics and the growth in the entertainment market. Employments are projected to multiply at an above- average pace, among 21% and 35% per year all through the year 2010.

The success and earnings you create is up to you since three out of ten designers are self-employed-almost five times the amount for all professional and related occupations, but in the end what it all comes down to is the effort, originality, quality, work, and how much time you are willing to give and take. Team work is also an important and fundamental aspect to a successful business and career. By understanding the positive and the negative impact on a group, as an individual and in the groups where people work together, they can open their minds to the possibilities of what diverseness is in an organization. The team is stronger due to this occupational diversity because of the different experiences each team member offers; therefore, creating a business that is open-minded and relatable to all types of cultures.

Salary however is a whole other story, in Columbus, OH, the average income would be around $70,000 whereas in bigger cities like New York City, NY, the average income would be $80,000- $10,000 more. The national average in the US is $70,000. Since the profession is very competitive many talented people are fascinated with the careers as graphic designers.

So employers now days are looking for 2-4 year degrees, with a professional portfolio showcasing strength in computer graphics and abstract design. Individuals with little or no formal experience or education in design, in addition to those who lack vision and determination, will discover it is extremely hard to ascertain and maintain a career in Graphic design. Continually improving your skills helps you to develop a strong and better portfolio it is generally the most crucial part of finding work. But like many artistic fields, this occupation is extremely competitive no matter how talented you are.

The most striking aspect of Graphic design is not only the ability of the designer/artist technically to express his or her creativity, but the capacity for open interpretation. The practice of Graphic design is a lifelong process which rarely becomes dull or outdated. While the position for the field is bright considering the increasing demand for graphics, particularly those destined for online uses, it is a field that continues to attract many talented individuals an one that will never be “useless” or a “failure” in this field if you pay attention to detail, are patient, creative, and like solving problems, then you are on your way to becoming a very successful individual. All in all, this is a career that can give you numerous opportunities not only allowing you independence as a self-employed graphic designer but can help jump start other parts of your business enabling you to have and own your own company.

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What It Takes to Have a Career in Graphic Design. (2023, Apr 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/what-it-takes-to-have-a-career-in-graphic-design/

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