What is Humanity in Biblical Meaning Argumentative Essay

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What is humanity? I believe that humanity is the community of male and female beings whom God created to work on this earth. The dictionary definition of humanity says, “n. all of the living human inhabitants of the earth, n. the quality of being humane”. Ok, the first part makes sense. I would take it a step further to clarify that the human inhabitants are male and female beings (Genesis 1:26-28) When we use the word “humanity” we can certainly refer to the people on this earth, but what makes us human? I think the question “What is humanity?” deals with the second part of the dictionary definition more closely. What is THE quality of being humane? What defines “humane”?

I believe that when God created Man, He gave us our humanity; therefore, He defines our “humanity/humaneness”. Consequently, I believe that being “humane” equates to being in line with God’s purpose for our lives. That purpose is to bear the image of God and work according our roles defined in His revealed will (the Bible). That ultimately means that we have a responsibility to maintain the moral law of God (Exodus 20:1-17).

The way we are commanded to interact with God is an unargueable, defining aspect of our humanity. Deuteronomy 5:7-12 clearly defines our relationship with God and how we are to relate to our creator. These commands are summed up in Matthew 22:37-38 where Jesus declares that the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Humaneness also refers to how we interact with the people around us. God created us to be social beings. Some humans are more socially bent than others, but no one was created to live alone (Genesis 2:18-24). Thus, God has clearly designated how we humans are supposed to interact with each other. These guidelines can be found in the last six commandments (Deuteronomy 5:16-21), the second greatest commandment given by Jesus (Matthew 22:39), and the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Colossians 4:17-32 also addresses a whole slew of ways that we are to act as Christians in this fallen world.

Further, I think that humanity is tasked with the responsibility of taking care of the planet (Genesis 1:28-30). Despite the fallen condition of humanity and this physical world, I believe we still have a responsibility to maintain the creation God has given us to enjoy (Colossians 3:23). It gives Him glory when we fulfill our purpose of working (Proverbs 16:3), and it also spills over into our interactions with our fellow man (Matthew 5:16).

So, I obviously base my definition of humanity and humaneness on the principles of living described in the Bible. In my mind, the only way to fully exercise one’s humanity is to fully submit to the authority of the Bible and live according to how Adam and Eve were supposed to live in the garden of Eden. Currently we have a crooked form of humanity and a skewed definition of what humaneness should look like.

Many people seem to think that as long as you aren’t a murderer or a rapist, you are a relatively humane individual. I think this definition is an incredibly low standard set by the sin that has so permeated creation (Genesis 3:14-19). To conclude, I believe that humanity is defined by the way God created the universe in the beginning of time. While others look to different standards by which to live, I think that the only way to be truly satisfied with our purpose in life is to live by the standards that God has set. READ THE BIBLE!


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What is Humanity in Biblical Meaning Argumentative Essay. (2021, Mar 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/what-is-humanity-in-biblical-meaning/



How does Genesis define humanity?
Genesis defines humanity as being created in the image of God, with the responsibility to care for and have dominion over the earth and its creatures. It also portrays humanity as being flawed and prone to sin, but capable of redemption through faith and obedience to God.
What does humanity mean in Christianity?
Humanity in Christianity refers to the quality of being human, and the unique relationship that humans have with God.
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