An Analysis of the Creation Myth in the Book of Genesis

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Long ago, before time began, there was only the Heavens and God. One day, God grew bored. He called one of his most favorite and trusted angels for an opinion. “Oh angel, I have a growing boredom inside me that I just don’t know how to fill,” God said. “So create a world full of things you could watch over to amuse you, Almighty,” answered the angel. God pondered this over and over in his head and saw no reason not to create his own amusement. He figured he would make a world with many different things to live lives so he could watch whenever he felt bored.

The first thing He created was a place for his creations to live and thrive. He created a new planet and he called it Earth. Once the Earth was completed, he created the creatures that would live in the water such as fish and squids. Once brought into existence, they met with God in order for his to give them their purpose in life. He told the fish and squids, “You are to live freely in these waters and maintain a circle of life in order for a balance to be in the waters of the lands.” “Thank you for the gift of life, Almighty,” said the sea creatures. After the sea creatures came into being, he started on the air creatures. He created insects and birds to fly through the sky completing various tasks all throughout the day. “The birds are to make nests for their home and find worms to feed their young.

The insects shall find something to make for the use of other animals day by day,” God said. “Thank you for the gift of life, Almighty,” said the air creatures. After the air creatures were off to do their duties, he created the land creatures; however, after he made animals such as lions, tigers, and bears, he played around with trying to create a creature in his likeness. He thought to call this special creature “man”. He breathed life into the creature once made perfectly and gave him some but not all knowledge. He told the man that he is to tend to the Earth and use anything to survive and thrive on the planet. He gave man all the necessities to do this task including woman as a helper. Woman also made sure that the man would not get lonely. Once man and woman were brought into being, God told them that if they ever need anything to pray to him and it will be so, however, this will only happen if they stay true to him and obey his word. After the conversation was done, God went back to Heaven to tell his favorite angel of his work and to ask what he thought.

As soon as God got back to the Heavens, he called upon his favorite angel and asked what he thought of the new world he created and the creatures he created to fill it. “This is amazing, Almighty. You have done well. I feel you will never be bored again. Now you have play things to keep you busy and you can control their every move, “said the angel. God said, “No angel, I have given them free will so they may do as they please, however, I have given them tasks to follow on a daily basis so that I may have something to watch.”

The angel replied, “But Lord, it is more fun when you make them do what you want. Here, let me show you.” The angel then proceeded to make man hit woman until she bled from her nose. God sat in horror while he watches his friend laugh at her pain and anguish. “See my Lord? Wasn’t that more interesting?” said the angel. God replied in a horrified fury, “No! That was the farthest thing from amusing! How could you laugh at a helpless creature being beaten for no reason!?” “But my Lord they are only your mere creations. They do not even have eternal life as we do. They are below us Lord so we can do whatever we please with them. We could even make it more interesting and give them tools they could kill each other with. Look,” said the angel.

The angel then gave man fire and gave him the knowledge to hunt and make weapons. God watched in horror as his child hunted down the animals and cooked them over the fire, enjoying their charcoaled flesh. God screamed causing thunder on Earth, “No! No! No! This is not fun! This is not entertainment! What’s wrong with you angel?? Since when did you have such a blood lust? Why does pain and agony and killing amuse you? This is unacceptable. This must stop at once. You can no longer do such things to my creations anymore or I will have to punish you as much as I don’t want that to happen.”

The angel rose up and showed anger towards God and screamed back at him, “No! How dare you put these things before me when I have been by your side since the start of eternity! I have done everything you asked but if I hurt your precious creations then I am to be punished?!? Well this is what I think about your little play things!” The angel then made man kill all living things on Earth including woman and himself then he set Earth on fire. “No more entertainment my Lord, and no one to put above me. I am the best angel and your most favorite and it will stay that way,” said the angel.

In a raging saddened fury, God spoke, “Those creations did nothing to you and you killed them and defaced their corpses with fire!! How dare YOU! How dare you destroy innocent things with no good reason let alone a bad one?” With a flick of His wrist, God tore open a hole under Earth to a retched place full of fire and banished his once dear friend to stay there for all eternity with no escape. While descending to his fate, the fallen angel said, “I will make all your future men and women turn their backs on you and make me their favorite since you replaced me with them, they shall replace you with me! You shall rue this day forever!”

With the fallen angel gone, God undid all the damage he caused and recreated the world with more animals and men and women. He created men and women of every shape, color, and size and watched over them as his own children and was forever adorned and praised by them. While writing this myth, the book of Genesis played a big role in my influence for how I wrote it.

For example, my myth and Genesis are similar in the themes of creation. In my myth, God speaks the word and things come into existence. This also happens in Genesis. The theme of word also comes up a lot in the myths we’ve read in class as well. Another way that my myth and Genesis are alike is in the order of beings leading up to man with man being the last to come into existence.

I chose to do this because when you think about life and basically survival of the fittest, man is the supreme being on the food chain because there is no bigger stronger being that hunts us down for survival. Man is the most powerful being God put forth on this Earth. Therefore, it is befitting that man is made last during the creation of the Earth and all of the things that call it home. However, there are things I purposely did differently because of the dislikes in the story of Genesis compared to the other myths we’ve read.

An argument could be made about whether or not Genesis is even a creation myth because of how list oriented it is. Genesis seems as though it’s telling you how creation happened instead of actually going into depth about creation and its process. However, an argument can also be made that it is a creation myth through and through simply based on the fact that it is listing the events in which creation happened. I feel as though I’m on both sides of the pinnacle because I agree with both sides of each argument.

Genesis is just a list of events of how creation happened, however, it does still speak on creation no matter how list oriented it is. This also raises a question of does a creation myth needs to explain something or have an underlying message such as the moral of a story if you will. I feel as though they do because if they don’t have a message then what is the true purpose of even having one?

My dislikes of Genesis include the fact that it is more like a list of events than an actual story. There is no plot line and nothing to really grab at your attention and keep it. It is very bland when reading it and it’s just down right boring compared to the other myths we’ve read such as “The Chameleon Finds” which is not a creation myth, but it brings me to my next dislike of Genesis. I didn’t like the fact that the creations God put forth did not have a voice.

Not all creatures needed one which I can agree with; however, there should have been a thanks in there somewhere for God giving life to all living things. There was also no conflict or violence in Genesis. This is also one of the reasons it lacks a plot line. Conflict and violence in Genesis would’ve made it way more interesting and would’ve taken the list feel out of the reading.

Things that make my myth different from Genesis is the fact that it has a story line such as God creating man because of his boredom and telling his favorite angel about what he’s done. The fact that there is another being other than God in my creation myth is another difference. In my myth, God asks his favorite angel for help to fix his boredom which is the reason earth and all of its creatures exist. There is also a conflict between God and his favorite angel because of the beings he’s created.

The angel treated God’s creations as if they were play toys and abused them. For example, the angel made man beat on his woman helper. I chose to put these things in not to just make it an interesting read, but to also explain good and evil. We’ve talked a lot about binary things such as good vs evil, male vs female, and light vs dark. This aspect of my myth that is different because Genesis doesn’t have a binary aspect. I also gave certain characters a voice which is different. For example, after the sea and air creatures are created, they thank God for life. I also did this to try and give my myth a Native American feel to it by giving the animals a voice.

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An Analysis of the Creation Myth in the Book of Genesis. (2023, Jan 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/an-analysis-of-the-creation-myth-in-the-book-of-genesis/

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