WAZE GPS Application SWOT Analysis

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Available in over 40 languages, the WAZE GPS app remains one of the best locator applications. The main advantage if using the app resides in the real-time location capabilities that rival the like of Google Maps. The essence of this paper remains with regards to the various shortcoming and advantages of using the app over industry alternatives. Moreover, a review of the opportunities and treats the business faces remains a priority of this paper. Additionally, the attractiveness of the application as a potential investment remains a primary concern for this paper. Hence this SWOT analysis is relevant in stating the viability of an investment opportunity.

Statement of Position

WAZE offers a slightly different approach to the geolocation challenges by using mobile networks to determine the exact position on the surface of the earth (Sananmongkhonchai, Tangamchit & Pongpaibool, 2009). Created in 2006, it took the app another five years to start monetizing it services. Nonetheless, the essential feature of the application besides real-time location capabilities is the ability to offer users with suggestions on various places and events in their neighborhood.

The WAZE applications come in several formats with most of its feature free. Additionally, through rolling out to over 150 nations, WAZE remains a considerable competition to Google maps. However, despite the countless number of opportunities the information technology market monetization of their services remains a significant challenge to the venture. Nonetheless, through the creation of application such as the Waze traffic app, the company stands to increase its number of the user while tripling their revenue generation compared to last year.

Support of Position

Whereas the launch of WAZE around seven years in the market before gaining world recognition, it is essential to indicate that the applications have way more use compared to the other apps. WAZE relies upon pinging mobile networks to give a precise location of a person or car. Additionally, the availability of the application for free on application stores is also a benefit of the software. Moreover, the event and shop locator widget inside the app remains the most favorite as they inform the user of exciting places around the neighborhood.

SWOT Analysis


Waze was started as a partnership. The business started as a project co-owned by two Israeli information technology companies (Disatnik, Shmuelevitz & Levine, 2011). Until, monetization, both companies dedicated their work to improving the application through bug fixings and updates. Additionally, it remains essential t note that the business starting as venture had its benefits. These milestones include the pooling of resources like capital, years of experience in the IT field and the position of both companies in the market.

One of the most critical aspects of the WAZE GPS locator app remains its ability to dedicate real-time location on the surface of the earth. Unlike Google maps that present rather broad areas when pinpointing individuals on earth’s surface, WAZE delivers a somewhat closer estimation. This aspect positions the application as a better locator service with high reviews being scored.

Download WAZE is free. Upon logging, toon application store one will notice that individual companies will sell their applications for a dollars. Nonetheless, downloading WAZE remains free until one installs premium widgets.

WAZE has a version for each of the mobile phone operating systems. The applications come in Android, Apple OS, Blackberry and Javascript. This wider penology allows for a considerable number of potential users. Additionally, the company offers regular updates to increase user security while improving performance and usability.

Part of WAZE is owned and operated by Google. However, despite this move restricting the development of WAZE into a more significant competitor, this acquisition allows the company access to a more extensive network of satellites. Subsequently, this move will improve service render to customers (Baden-Fuller & Haefliger, 2013).

WAZE has partnered with more businesses. Trough parenting with a mobile phone, the applications has improved its number of users. Through increasing user numbers, more business wants to advertise through the platform thereby increasing its profitability.

WAZE traffic app enables the motorist to get alternative routes that have no traffic jam. Thus, this level of specialization makes the company not only attractive but also a promising venture that might attract the business like taxi companies and vehicle manufacturers.


WAZE is located in a very tiny and specific niche; they cannot specialize or expand beyond their purview. The only services the company can offer the public is a geolocation application. Therefore, this aspect might deter investors from investing in the company.

WAZE is offered on the application stores as a free product. Therefore, the company does make any money through the countless number of instant downloads. Thus freebies make no profit yet the company is expected to pay the coders and engineer at the end of the month. The business lack s direct sources of income.

WAZE has to be downloaded whereas Google maps come preloaded. The hustle involved in downloading WAZE from the app store is more than having preloaded software on one’s phone. This move by competitor’s results in dwindling number of WAZE downloads.

Business moves such as mergers and acquisition at times lead to the fall of many companies. Google acquiring WAZE might expose the company to the dangers of bureaucracy most of which entails control of the management of the subsidiary company (Baden-Fuller & Haefliger, 2013). Resultantly, continued oppression of the subsidiary reflects on their falling revenue generation leading to closures.


Aside from the monetization of adverts running on the application, WAZE occupies a strategic niche that might attract car manufacturing companies. Most cars these days come with a low jack allowing for secure geolocation. A car manufacturer would be impressed with a having a geolocation software company on a retainer (Kamal & Hong).

The use of the application on mobile phones is aimed at making life more comfortable. Thus through increasing more and useful widgets to the form will more users be persuaded to download the apps. Similarly, a more extensive widget compilation translates to more business people using the software leading to a boost in revenue generation.

The recent introduction of more phone companies in Africa introduces a rare market for the application. The rapid embrace of technology among African and Latin American poises a strong market for geolocation software companies such as WAZE.


Competition from more established companies such as Google maps exposes the company to the need to gain a competitive advantage over rivals. Nonetheless, it remains imperative to note that due to the tight competition among relevant companies, such rivalry might result in corporate espionage.

Phones and laptops coming with firmware based GPS programs do not require a third party application to pinpoint one’s location. Thus, such moves threaten the future of companies such as WAZE. Nonetheless, it remains imperative that WAZE offers better graphics and way more interactive services.

The lack of monetization avenues in the applications might lead the company to bankruptcy. Funds that pay for its expenses run companies. Nonetheless, it remains impervious to note that mobile apps do not generate as much money as computer software thus the company faces a financial struggle in its bid to pay for its operations.

Summary and Conclusions

The process of monetizing a geolocation application requires patience and hard work. WAZE took over six years to generate plausible income. Thus the hard work and commitment put in running this company to its present glory can only be termed as unwavering. Nonetheless, besides from being in the market the earliest, WAZE offers a ton of interactive services and widgets.

The opportunities the company faces remain attainable. Most of the businesses rely upon the establishment of an online presence and following to generate revenue in this current economy. This user and clientele challenge presents a unique opportunity for WAZE as most of their services will benefit such user. Nonetheless, it remains bearing to note that WAZE on its own is an all-around application that offers the users with the best service aside from geolocation.

The aspect of user security and protection after downloading a third party application remains a priority for regulatory bodies of communication. The threat of identity theft coupled with cases of people losing their savings through bank fraud places the issue of user protection a necessity especially with regards to unsubstantiated ownership status.


  1. Baden-Fuller, C., & Haefliger, S. (2013). Business models and technological innovation. Long range planning, 46(6), 419-426.
  2. Disatnik, I., Shmuelevitz, Y., & Levine, U. (2011). U.S. Patent Application No. 12/588,786.
  3. Kamal, R., & Hong, C. S. Monetizing on Big Data.
  4. Sananmongkhonchai, S., Tangamchit, P., & Pongpaibool, P. (2009, January). Cell-based traffic estimation from multiple GPS-equipped cars. In TENCON 2009-2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  5. WAZE. (2018). Free Driving Directions, Traffic Reports & GPS Navigation App by Waze. Retrieved from https://www.waze.com/

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WAZE GPS Application SWOT Analysis. (2021, Mar 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/waze-gps-application-swot-analysis/



Is Waze the best GPS app?
Our Winner: Waze When we drive for Uber or Lyft, Waze is the go-to GPS . Of all the mapping apps and GPS apps out there, no app is better at providing alternate routes to save time (and money).
What is the disadvantage of Waze?
The main disadvantage of Waze is that it can drain your battery life quickly. Additionally, if you're using Waze in an area with limited or no cell service, it won't work properly.
What is Waze app used for?
Waze is a community-driven GPS navigation app. It is used to avoid traffic jams, save time on your daily commute, and find the best route to your destination.
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