True Meaning of Marriage Argumentative Essay

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To some the term “marriage” represents a mere piece of paper. A piece of paper that two individuals sign that connects them in life and represents a couple who will now file joint taxes at the beginning of each year. Although there are many interpretations of the term, there is much more meaning than the obvious. Since the beginning of time, the meaning and interpretation of marriage has changed and evolved and is now a very basic yet complex term. Marriage is not only a piece of paper but a bond between two that connects you as one for the rest of your lives.

For over 4,000 years, marriage or something similar that was used to symbolize marriage has been used amongst us. The concept of marriage in today’s society is much different than that of ancient times. In the article How marriage has changed over centuries, The Week Staff states “In the ancient world, marriage served primarily as a means of preserving power, with kings and other members of the ruling class marrying off daughters to forge alliances, acquire land, and produce legitimate heirs.” As bizarre as it is to think about, marriage originally began as a way to declare power.

Essentially these men were claiming what was “theirs” and everything was part of an organized plan. Imagine choosing who your daughter marries instead of having that be her choice. It was a way for the men of that time to control everything and everyone around them. Fast forwarding to today in our country, marriage is now something that is decided upon solely by the two parties who are to be wed. Americans have the freedom to essentially marry whom ever they choose to, man or woman.

Once two souls have connected, they then have the choice to wed with each other. Before deciding this, both parties must be in agreement as marriage is technically a legal contract between the two. Along with the contract comes obligations and rights. Aside from a few certain circumstances, the two parties will be bonded together financially and will share assets with one another. They will legally become “one”. Most of us become accustomed to being free spirits, living and being alone or just being able to do as you wish, whenever you wish to do it. As I was reading an article on marriage.com this specific point really drew my attention; “Whether it is what to cook or buy for dinner, what to do over weekends, or where to go on holidays – both of your opinions now carry weight. In this sense marriage is one of the best antidotes to selfishness”. Once you are married, you have a whole extra person to think about and consider. Essentially it is similar to having a child. You are no longer representing yourself or thinking for yourself but for the both of you.

Suzanne Degges describes her views on marriage, seemingly sarcastic, when she writes “Our culture landscape suggests that marriage is the “next step” for any couple who enjoys a strong and satisfying physical attraction, sparkling conversations, and likes the same type of pets.” There seems to be much more truth to this than we may realize. When is the right time to consider marriage? In today’s society, we have in a sense lost what the true meaning of marriage is. Couples rush into the commitment based on attraction and lust feelings opposed to building a true connection with your partner before deciding to take that next big step. Suzanne goes on to explain that no marriage will ever be perfect and that marriage should be forever.

Whether it is something that you see happening in your future or not or maybe you are already married, marriage is something to think long and hard about. Marriage is the ultimate bind for love and relationships. It is a full-time commitment and although not easy, it can be very much worth the time, trouble and stress. Let us avoid the modern day stereotype about what marriage really means and bring back some of the older values to the simple “piece of paper” without going all the way back to mid-evil times of arranged marriages. Finding the happy middle ground would help our younger generation carry on the true meaning of marriage.


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True Meaning of Marriage Argumentative Essay. (2021, Mar 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/true-meaning-of-marriage/



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