Three Phase of Executing Change

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Unfreezing Before Change

This first phase of change consists in preparing the organization to accept what is needed and involves breaking the existing status quo before building a new way of operating. The key to this is in developing a compelling message showing the ‘why’ that the existing way of doing things can not continue. This framework is easier to be shown when you point to numbers. For example declining sales, poor financial results, customer satisfaction surveys, etc.

They need to be displayed in a way that everyone can understand that things have to change. This first part of the process of change is usually the most difficult. When you begin to show how the new process needs to be implemented, you put everything and everyone out of balance. You can evoke strong reactions in people, and that is precisely what needs to be done.

When you force the organization to revise its essence, you create a controlled crisis, which in turn can provoke a strong motivation for everybody involved to seek a new equilibrium. Without this motivation, you will not gain participation and collaboration from the people in the organization to make any significant change. Clear communication, providing the necessary support and allowing employees to participate in the change is paramount to the success of the mission.

Executing Change

There might be conflicts. “Change can evoke emotions like uncertainty and fear, leaving staff to take their frustrations out on each other. Conflict is a common unintended consequence, so it’s your responsibility as a leader to help staff overcome difficulties.” (“Smith, C.”, 2018). After the unfreezing phase is that people begin to solve their uncertainties and look for new ways of doing things. People begin to believe and act in a way that supports the new direction.

This transition does not happen overnight; people take the time to embrace the new path and proactively participate in the change. To accept change and make it successful, people need to understand how it will benefit them. It is good to remember that not everyone will recognize or understand how the change will benefit them and the company, so the managers involved in this process should be prepared for this.

Unfortunately, some people will be negatively affected by the change, particularly those who benefit strongly from their status quo. Others may take a long time to recognize the benefits that change brings. You need to anticipate and manage these situations. Time and communication are the two keys to a successful change to occur. People need time to understand changes as well as need to feel important in the process and connected throughout the transition period. When you are managing changes, this will require a great deal of time and effort.


When the changes are taking shape, and people embrace the new way of working, the organization is ready to refreeze. This phase consists of the final incorporation in the new change of behavioral practices. It indicates that the new standard has been learned and has already been incorporated into practice. The managers involved in the changing process also needs to help people and the organization assimilate the change. This means ensuring that the changes will be permanent. With this, the employees will feel confident and comfortable with the new ways of working.

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Three Phase of Executing Change. (2021, Mar 21). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/three-phase-of-executing-change/

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