The Social Problem of Child Labor in Chile

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Child labor is a permeating challenge in the contemporary world, though not a desperate one. The evidence of child labor is clear when a person makes assurance, societies mobilize and decide that the practice of child labor be no longer tolerable within theirjurisdiction. Wide continuation can be created toward the objectives of ensuring that children are not shorn of a childhood and a better life. Creating a consensus and real change is still a massive problem internationally and the societies where child labor is present. South America is still faced with the problem of child labor because the measures that are taken to eliminate child labor are not followed by the authority and thus they are ignored. The common sense of eliminating child labor is to give children the chance of legitimate education and parents a fair opportunity for a good job, which lacks in South America. Child labor is both an economic and ethical concern for nations as well as families.

The struggle against child labor is in due course a battle to expand the frontiers of sovereignty and human dignity. It is estimated that out of six children, one is involved in child labor in South America. Moreover, the number of child laborers is around equal to the whole population of the America. These child laborers are not performing odd chores, but their work is a matter of survival for them as well as their families. There are both girls and boys who are involved in the task that damage their emotional, mental and physical growth. Summary Chile is amongst the nations in South America that have put measures to eliminate child labor. As a member of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the government of Chile has introduced the National Advisory Committee to Eradicate Child Labor.

The committee has been able to create awareness about the issue of child labor, endorsed legislation and designed regional programs for children in Temuco, Santiago, El Olivar and Rio Chachapoal. Moreover, the committee is joining the South America regional project via the International Labor Organization to gather data, take activities on child labor for employees and employers and train inspectors of labor on the issue of child labor. Education reforms have also been established by the Chilean Ministry of Education so as to advance the value, efficiency and equality of education in the country. For example, the Full School Day Reform prolonged the school day given a new curriculum structure, enforced incentives for instructor professionalism and started a network to design and propagate innovative learning and managerial practices.

In addition, the government of Chile has tried to eliminate child labor through the introduction of compulsory education of children aged between 6 and 13 years, though the children of low-income earners prefer to work rather than attend school than those of high-income earners Lesson learnt from my experience in presenting a topic on child labor in Chile Chile is not the only country that face child labors. Other Southern Common Market countries are being faced with the same challenges and, as a result, they have joined to carry out the “Southern Child Initiative” to fight for the rights of children and adolescents in South America. This initiative incorporates public campaigns against child trafficking, exploitation, child labor and promoting domestic legal structure to international standards on the issue of child labor.

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The Social Problem of Child Labor in Chile. (2023, Apr 14). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-social-problem-of-child-labor-in-chile/

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