The Main Character’s Life Transformation in Barbara Kingsolver’s The Bean Trees

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The bean Trees is actually the first and prolific literary piece of work done by an American writer, Barbara Kingsolver. The novel opens in a rural setting of Kentucky where the main character, Taylor Greer nicknamed as “Missy” introduces the piece of Kingsolver’s piece of work as a protagonist. She appears to be weary and afraid of the tires because of the tragic accident that occurred when the tractor’s tire exploded. Ever since, she has been very cautious with tires. The author brings her out as a very fearful character based on her reaction to the tractor’s tire explosion. Basically, in this essay research paper, a critical analysis has been done based on the main character in Kingsolver‘s novel the bean of trees.

However, the entire story revolves around her and she tries to face life challenges on various categories with an open mind Change in personal life is quite inevitable hence, making Taylor to champion a new form of reasoning based on both personal and life experiences at larger Indeed life is a teacher and it is likened to a mirror on which people synchronize their past and present experiences. Kingsolver subjects the young lady to many challenges, which are probably determined towards strengthening her ways of life and the general life perceptions Life is like wind, which blows to any direction hence, a vivid translation on how life could take different scenarios and forms thus the individual differences.

For instance, because of her practical and gutsy character, Taylor sees another potential and more rewarding life ahead beyond her hometown. This comes as she considers her hometown as tiny and stifling with minimal job opportunities and plenty of life suffering. Taylor decides to escape the trap of earlier pregnancies especially while at the village and flees to a more interesting life. The good part of this character is that she perceives things in their original form without necessary questioning everything. Taylor accepts the way nature puts forth life and the circumstances befalling her turns out to be strengthening and shaping factors of her life For instance, a nurse leaves her with a little kid who she later names Turtle because of her clinging behavior on things like a muddy Turtle. The element of simplicity and humbleness is portrayed in Taylor’s actions.

For example, as the nurse puts the baby in the front seat of Taylor’s car before she leaves, Taylor herself does not question much nor reject the baby but she decides to take off with it without necessary knowing the identity of the baby either.  She is portrays a merciful and helpful behavior, a shred of humanity in her soul still exists hence, going an extra mile of bathing up the baby where she discovers the young girl was sexually abused. However, this act does not stir up but instead gives her strength to forge a head for prosperity hoping to meet the relatives of the young girls We see Taylor settle in Tucson, Arizona where she finds the environment to be friendly in many things more than comfort as a factor of consideration. Here is where she contends with daring poverty, the issue of an un-asked child among a series of life trials but surprisingly her spirit of super conscience remains intact and unshaken. She really motivates and encourages the outside world on the goodness of high self-esteem crowned with super-conscience.

The abuse inflicted on Turtle, the personal tragedy faced by Estevan and Esperanza and the political corruption matters transform Taylor to a more dynamic person than never before Taylor‘s tenderheartedness is revealed based on her sympathetic reaction towards other people’s difficulties and challenges, All these life challenges transform Taylor to the next level of humanity. Further, as the novel progresses, Taylor is seen championing the enthusiastic care for the abandoned and hopeless persons as Kingsolver portrays them. This is evident from the way Mattie refers to her in the novel, she is referred to as the heroine who risks her safety and her entire life to cherish and champion justice and sanity to the society full of great controversies and dominical suffering. In deed she is a heroine based on the moves she takes in life.

For instance, leaving her shanty village and flees to darkness where she thinks life could be a bit interesting only to be subjected to hard and harsh life altogether. While outside her village Taylor fights hard to contain the life situations, which is seemingly ruthless. But all these challenges and suffering does not shut down her dream but instead propel it to the highest level of performance After all the life outside, Taylor re-emerges back at her society to accomplish the mission she has been targeting.

Consequently, the male-female love she contains remains purely platonic as her major focus was primarily on how to rescue and empower other women starting with Turtle, her mother, her friend and the mentor. Unlike other heroines, she does not trade on searching and keeping for a man but instead enhancing and champions the well»being of the society regardless of gender, Conclusively, it can be said that Taylor as one of the main characters undergoes tremendous transformations in life thus being unique from other characters.

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The Main Character’s Life Transformation in Barbara Kingsolver’s The Bean Trees. (2023, Jun 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-main-characters-life-transformation-in-barbara-kingsolvers-the-bean-trees/

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