The Importance of the Fight for Women’s Rights and LGBT Rights

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Fighting for Women rights and LGBT rights may not be a brand new topic but it is important for you to Know, because these social justice issues have not been resolved yet. The movement for women and LGBT rights began in 1960’s but the most appealing fact about it is that so many decades have passed But the progress we have made so far is very low. Analysis so far about different text done in class such As the Borski beat (small town boy song), the yellow wallpaper etc… show one trend which is sexual Discrimination. LGBT and women rights movement should not be given a separate term but should be Be combined with the term human rights.

The reason we go under go this movement is because The world is insecure and this, insecurity leads to hatred, hatred leads to discrimination and when the World represents discrimination the effect is over whelming, (do not let that that happen you are Perfect the way god intended you to be). My chosen text have studied in class is song (Small town boy-Bronski beat).

Even though I have already Done my analysis but if I look at the song with just a bit more depth I find new meanings in this Song. The song was released in 1984 and with that said, obviously it addresses LGBT issues in 1980’s. However they are some key issues that still remain in this world till now and that song just brings Emotions, which makes me wonder that is there something more out there related to this topic.

Issues That is speak of is rejection, bullying and mass murder. “Pushed around and kicked around” is a lyric in Song which addresses bullying. In addition some lyrics address the issue of rejection from family and in This case the mother is supportive and the father is not. I would like to relate this issue to one of the Words in my theme which is insecurity. The issues that I have addressed in this body are all caused Because people are insecure.

As we went forward till the social justice seminar unit, I got incredible pieces of information which I did Not knew about. One of the seminars topic I would like to relate to mine is women rights, and their issue Is female genital mutilation (FGM). If we look back in history, women have suffered a lot of pain all Around the world and till now they do. Rape, murder, education problem, harassment, jobs etc… I am aware of all these issues but what I was not aware of FGM. I did not even cognize the fact Something would exist.

I relate this to my theme “You are perfect the way god intended you to be” It may sound a bit religious, but god did not create women unfinished and this something all the Societies in this world must understand. My social justice seminar topic is Sexual orientation. The human race falls like the leaves in autumn, but Over a large period of time. Lady gaga says homosexuals are “revolutionaries of love”. This is true when I look at this world all the issues besides women and LGBT, could be political or economic there is more Hatred and war in societies such as ours then in the LGBT community. Issues other than rejection, Discrimination, bullying and mass murder is love.

This is an insight I have gained from all the text I have Read and analyzed. The element that keeps everyone together is love. If there is no love with just one Blow of a wind everything falls apart. This is the reason I consider LGBT and give them an applause Because their community is the only thing left which has love unlike ours. One more example I would Like to introduce is the United States of America and its DADT Policy applied in its army.

I may not like to Stretch this example but I would like to state is that USA is best known for opportunities and equality And it is not equal. Insecurity, Hatred and Discrimination these are the three big words that I have gained, this is my insight. Again it may not be something new but it is something to think if we even want to consider the idea of Making the world a better place, otherwise it would just remain an idea.

These insight applies to both Genders women and LGBT. In fact I would like to State the idea that LGBT and Women should work Together in order to ameliorate the world’s perspective and just erase insecurity, hatred and Discrimination from this world. Apart from what said we also need to extend love politically, Economically and between people. Finally reflecting on my theme, perfection is a myth, perfection is an Idea and everyone has a different idea of perfection. So god did make us perfect and do not dismiss this From your mind.

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The Importance of the Fight for Women’s Rights and LGBT Rights. (2023, Apr 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-importance-of-the-fight-for-womens-rights-and-lgbt-rights/

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