The Importance of Studying the Holocaust in Night, an Autobiography by Elie Wiesel

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The Holocaust has impacted many lives since Adolf Hitler came into power in Germany. on January 20m in the year of 1933. In the autobiography mm by Elie Wiesel, Elie as well as many Jews and others had to face a tremendously difficult period of time in concentration camps. Elie describes how the Holocaust completely changed his life, being a Holocaust survivor, making him much more different than he was before this event took place, Six million Jews were killed in this historical tragedy, which occurred during World War II. Eliezer and other Holocaust survivors are miraculously still alive today, although they had lost their friends, family, homes, and some their faith The Holocaust was indeed an unforgettable experience for Elie. Therefore, three reasons why it is important to study the Holocaust and why it should not be forgotten are to prevent such an event from occurring again, to respect and honor the victims, and to learn about its influence on world history.

To begin. learning about and remembering the Holocaust can help to prevent it from ever happening again, for a couple of reasons. First, if the Holocaust is forgotten, then a genocide even more vicious could occur. Life is more complex today and it can be easy to build such machines for mass murder. Millions were killed and Elie states that he saw “children in the flames,” and “that humanity would never tolerate it,” although the Nazis were free to do what they wanted to. Next, this horrific event has caused many to lose their faith. Being loyal to one’s faith is of great importance to a human being. Living through such pain and torture. Elie believed that “God is no longer with us,” although in the beginning before the Holocaust Elie says “I believed profoundly.” Last, the Holocaust has altered the personalities of many human beings.

Young men believed in survival of the fittest, and thought only of themselves when trying to fulfill the Hierarchy of Needs. Elie saw Rabbi Eliahou‘s son who “had wanted to get rid of his father,” and Elie stated he was “free at last,” when Elie‘s father died since he had to worry about him no longer. Finally, the Holocaust is full of terrifying factors which no one would ever want to have repeated. Studying the Holocaust helps one respect and remember the victims for various reasons. First, the Holocaust made the Jews and other affected groups stronger than they were before. This sign of strength should never be forgotten. because these people were treated with such cruelty and hostility, and yet they had to endure all of it. Elie described how they “received more blows than food.” since “rations had become more meager,” and ‘Were crushed with work.” Next, Holocaust victims were innocent people.

The Holocaust has destroyed the lives of millions just because of a single man who wanted a pure society based on his own race. Such innocent people were murdered and put through horrors just because of Hitler’s disapproval. Last, learning about the treatment of Holocaust victims is the best way to prevent hate. These victims were criticized due to their race, religion, ethnicity, and social and political beliefs. Elie states that “Jews were not allowed to play German music.” when in the camps. Finally, Holocaust Victims are human beings as well and should be thoughtfully respected. The Holocaust has greatly impacted world history, and therefore should be remembered for a few reasons. First, the Holocaust wiped out about one-third of the Jewish population. Elie describes how “the last day had been the most murderous,” and that “a hundred of us had got into the wagon.

A dozen of us got out.” So many lives were deprived in this massacre, some of whom could have had unknown talents or skill. Next, Israel was formed after liberation. Elie states that ”on April fifth, the wheel of history turned,” and the liberation process began. Israel was formed in 1948, Jewish refugees finally found a place to stay, and by 1953 about 170,000 Jews immigrated to Israel. Last, the Holocaust awakened the conscience of humanity and the realization of how prejudiced society can be. After World War II, the Holocaust set a framework for human rights, and it was made clear how important they are. While in the concentration camps, Elie states that “There were dozens of prisoners to receive us, truncheons in their hands, striking out anywhere, at anyone, without reason.” The people affected by the Holocaust had no say in any matter, and had to cope with certain restrictions as well.

Finally, the Holocaust is a very memorable event and shall be known for its powerful effect. In conclusion, the Holocaust should be studied and remembered to put a stop to the possibility of history being repeated, to acknowledge Holocaust victims, and to have an understanding about how the Holocaust has impacted world history. The Holocaust is such a tragic event that having it happen again would be terrifying. Holocaust victims should be highly regarded for what horror they have been through and their undoubted innocence. The Holocaust can be stated as an unforgettable and influential occurrence, with 11 million dead as a result from it. Overall, it shall be made clear that the Holocaust should never be forgotten and learning about this event is of great importance.

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The Importance of Studying the Holocaust in Night, an Autobiography by Elie Wiesel. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-importance-of-studying-the-holocaust-in-night-an-autobiography-by-elie-wiesel/

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