The Hierarchy in the Fairy Kingdom in The Mid-Summer Night’s Dream, a Play by William Shakespeare

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The magical worlds of Modern Disney and Hollywood depict the fairy world as a dream-like fantasy with light, mysterious creatures known as fairies. Although fairies and men are different both in modern representation and Shakespeare’s portrayal, they are usually benevolent, compassionate and enchanting. However, in the light of the play, The Mid-Summer Night’s Dream, fairies were notorious for their fierceness, fickle and evil natures Because of their supernatural powers and immortality, they have often been a curse to man‘s good, although the fairy world is filled with wonder for humanity because of our limitations. There has always been a historical and social wall between fairies and mortals because of an evident superiority in mind, body and spirit. In The Mid-Summer Night’s Dream, the fairy kingdom is structured in hierarchy under the rule of Oberon and Titania Disney characters such as. Tinkerbell in Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella all are characterized by fairy godmother who typically bestows gifts and favours to man when facing adversity.

However, in the play, Robin Goodfellow or the mischievous fairy Puck, represents the contrary for he boasts of his evil trickery. In spite of the disparity between both opposing representations, one common line knits fairies together and that is their interaction with men and involvement in men’s affairs. Puck himself says, “I do wonder every where, Swifter than the moon’s sphere”. Fairies and mortal man live together and however much one may exercise power against the other, the bridge between both worlds remains. In the world of fairies there is also good and evil hence in modern depiction of the fairy, there is always a moral conflict or dilemma between right and wrong, the good force and the evil one.

With respect to which side of the battle the fairy takes is dependent on the author but oftentimes they are sent as godsends to help man They are usually benevolent, and intrinsically good. However, in the light of the play, Mid-Summer Night’s Dream in Shakespeare’s day, they were notorious for their fierceness, evil and fickle natures, Because of their supernatural endowments and immortality they have often been a curse to man’s welfare. According to Nicole Parrett’s presentation, the fairy world is filled with wonder to man because of his incapacitiesi In the magical world of the fairies, one also observes the dominance of the male over the female and the construction of poweri Oberon hires Puck to play a trick on his wife.

Titania, to bend her recalcitrant spirit to obedience to him and so he has his wife fall in love with a half- donkey, half-human. In the same way the arch-enemy who sews discord and wields his power over the female, Titania, placing her under a powerful enchantment. In the end, it is Oberon who triumphs over his wife as his wife concedes defeat to him. In the midst of the conflict in the fairy world, a marriage is being planned between another king and queen. Theseus and Hippolyta which underscores the theme of the dominance of male power. In marriage it is understood that the female renders obedience and submits to her husband. In Greek mythology, Theseus and his men claim victory over the fierce woman warriors, the Amazons with Hippolyta being the Queen of the tribe.


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The Hierarchy in the Fairy Kingdom in The Mid-Summer Night’s Dream, a Play by William Shakespeare. (2023, Apr 14). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-hierarchy-in-the-fairy-kingdom-in-the-mid-summer-nights-dream-a-play-by-william-shakespeare/

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