The Hardest Biology Course I’ve Ever Taken and Its Contribution to the Life Skills and Volunteering

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Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. walking into biology class and not prepared for the day. My palms were dripping, anticipating making the first move. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail while my teacher went over the objectives for the day, which included: identifying and name the main organs of the fetal pig. He then begin to demonstrate opening the pig: as he ran the scalpel down the abdomen of pig and pushed it hooves apart my stomach churned as if there were butterflies inside. He then opened the young subject’s mouth and slowly removed the tongue and I felt as if there were tiny insects crawling up and down my arms. I could feel the sweat forming on my temples as the moment awaits, I stare at the clock hoping that something drastic would happen to prevent the continuation of the class, sadly it doesn’t. The time had come; I held the scalpel in one hand and held the fetus down with the other. I take a deep breath ensuring I built up enough confidence. I lower the instrument toward the piglet and I gently rest the scalpel on its chest, I close my eye and drop my head back whispering, “You can do this.” I open my eyes and pressed down on the scalpel just make what seemed to be a deep enough incision, and I dragged it down until the fetus’ organs were exposed. I exhaled, examining my work and comparing it to otherl realized I had done very well and I actually liked the thrill of doing it. At this moment I knew I wanted to major in pre med, when I make it to college.

Ever since that moment I had picked up an interest in television shows, such as Greys Anatomy, and HawthoRNe. I also love to watch YouTube videos on surgical procedures and the commentary from the surgeons during the surgery. I had already been taking college course but l had not taken any science college courses. Therefore, I enrolled to take college biology, at the end of the class I ended with a “B” which for me was an accomplishment because that one of the hardest classes I had ever taken. It was hard because I was involved in extracurricular activities: (Captain) Cheerleading, National Honor Society, and Book Club. I had cheerleading, National Honor Society, and book club, all while holding a 4.0 G.P.A. My hard work ethic comes from my mom who is a LPN. She has always taught me that all the hard work I do will be worth it in the end. She also taught me that I should always be helpful in any way possible. Growing up with this value alone has lead me to so many volunteering opportunity such as helping the children at church learn how to read, passing out water to the runners in the Bank of America Marathon, and even simply helping teachers grade papers on my down time. Helping people is second nature to me and I just want to extend my methods of helping into life changing surgeries. I want to specifically be a General Surgeon because there are so many organs involved in just the one specialty I would never get tired. If just one moment could change my life l’m sure I could change someone else’s.

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The Hardest Biology Course I’ve Ever Taken and Its Contribution to the Life Skills and Volunteering. (2023, Mar 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-hardest-biology-course-ive-ever-taken-and-its-contribution-to-the-life-skills-and-volunteering/

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