The Events That Led to the First World War

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On 181h of June 1914 the Archduke of Austria (Franz Ferdinand) was assassinated by Serbian nationalists in which set off a trigger of past events and tensions that eventually let to the first world war. There are four main causes of World War 1 and that is militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism. Those were the main reasons why tension built up in between the European countries inevitably starting WW1. Militarism was a great contributor of World War One. European countries have been competing with each other’s naval powers by expanding their own military. This led to neighboring countries to expand their forces in the fear of being invaded by bigger countries.

This resulted in the action of almost all of European countries to prepare for war. As the tensions built from Militarism. countries started forming alliances in order to protect themselves from invasions. Germany was allied with Austria and Serbia was allied with Russia, England, France and Italy so when Austria declared war on Serbia for the death of the Archduke Germany quickly jumped into the war as Austria and Germany are allies. In response Serbia called in Russia and all their allies resulting in an all out war. Imperialism was also a leading cause for WW1 as European countries wanted to expand their empire in other to prove that they were superior.

This resulted in many countries setting up European colonies in Central and West Africa. Imperialism pushed the idea of war as people believed that having more land is a sign of superiority. The last major cause of WW1 was nationalism. Nationalism is the feeling of one’s country as more superior than others. This ideology combined with imperialism resulted in the public greatly supporting the government when announced war was declared. Nationalism and imperialism both greatly impacted the start of WW1 and espeCIally it impacted the opinion of the public’s View of war. World War one was bound to happen. the death of the Archduke wasn’t the main cause of World War One but instead was just the final spark that ignited the flame. Militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism pushed the idea of war and was the main cause of World War One.

While the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand provided the immediate trigger, it was the underlying causes of militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism that set the stage for the outbreak of war. The assassination served as the catalyst that ignited the simmering tensions and led to a rapid escalation of hostilities. The war that followed was more extensive and devastating than anyone could have anticipated, resulting in loss of life on an unprecedented scale and forever altering the course of history.

In conclusion, the events leading to the First World War were the result of a complex interplay of factors. The buildup of military forces, the intricate system of alliances, the drive for imperialism, and the rising tide of nationalism all contributed to a climate of distrust and competition among European nations. While the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand served as the immediate trigger, it was the underlying causes that created the conditions for such a catastrophic conflict to unfold. The First World War stands as a stark reminder of the destructive power of human conflict and the importance of addressing tensions and grievances through peaceful means.

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The Events That Led to the First World War. (2023, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-events-that-led-to-the-first-world-war/

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