American Civil War Essay Examples and Research Papers

23 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Women on the Civil War’s ‘Front Line’

Pages 8 (1 875 words)

American Civil War

Civil War

US History

Open Document

Who Affected by the American Civil War

Pages 6 (1 483 words)

American Civil War

Revolutionary War

US History

Open Document

The Effect of the Civil War on Medicine

Pages 11 (2 581 words)

American Civil War

Civil War


Open Document

Civil War Between American Citizens

Pages 5 (1 208 words)

American Civil War

Civil War

Harriet Tubman

Open Document

Women Warriors in American Civil War: Prejudice of Confederates

Pages 12 (2 835 words)

American Civil War

Civil War

US History

Open Document

The American Yawp: History of the American Civil War

Pages 3 (630 words)

American Civil War

Revolutionary War

US History

Open Document

Breaking Barriers in La Junta History

Pages 7 (1 553 words)

American Civil War

Civil War

Open Document

Bravery in The Red Badge of Courage

Pages 5 (1 083 words)

American Civil War



Open Document

The Struggles of Women and Civil War

Pages 4 (819 words)

American Civil War

Civil War

Open Document

The Compromise of 1850 and the Civil War

Pages 3 (528 words)

American Civil War

Civil War

US History

Open Document
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Check a list of useful topics on American Civil War selected by experts

Analytical Essay Topics:

What was the role of Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War?

Which job did the future western territories play in the American Civil War?

How did Mexico impact the result of the American Civil War?

Which job did the Cotton Gin have on American slavery?

How did slavery impact the economy of the American South?

What were the contrasts between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis?

What significant innovation did the North enjoy a benefit in?

What caused the change in the people of the North regarding the Civil War?

What was the result of the American Civil War?

What was the main motivation the North had the option to win the conflict?

For what reason did Robert E. Lee choose to join the South?

What has happened to racism after the American Civil War?

What was the women’s role in the American Civil War?

Which jobs did the United States play in isolating the country in two by district?

Would it have been feasible to end the war without finishing slavery

Which job did African-American Soldiers play in the American Civil War?

What role did the Battle of Fredericksburg have on the Civil War?

What caused the American Civil War?

The Factors of American Civil War According to Oates

The Issues of State Rights in the American Civil War

Argumentative Essay Topics:

How is the American Civil War shown today?

Assess the validity of Frederick Douglass’ statement with regard to the cause of the American Civil War

Causes of the American Civil War

Was the American Civil War Inevitable?

Why did the South Lose the American Civil War?

Economic Causes of the American Civil War

American Civil War as a Basis for Slaves’ Equal Rights

Role of Black Leaders during America’s Civil War

What role did the Border States between the North and South play in the civil war?

How did the American Civil War introduce the world to modern warfare?

How was the American Civil War depicted in the classic film Gone with the Wind?

Why was North Carolina so pivotal in the American Civil War?

What is the most common aftermath of the American Civil War?

The cost of the American Civil War and racial injustices

Could the American Civil War have been prevented?

Who were the main military figures during the American Civil War?

How did the American Civil War affect the presidency?

Nationalism in the American Civil War

How the American Civil War Affected Slaves?

Abraham Lincoln and His effect on the American Civil War


The American Civil War in 1861-1865 happened between North and South of the United States. The reason for the war between the North and the South was the election in 1860 to the post of President of the United States of Abraham Lincoln, a supporter of the abolition of slavery. The planters at their congress decided to separate the slave states from the Union and began preparations for war. In 1861, these states created the Confederation, whose troops mutinied in April and captured forts and arsenals in the south of the country.

The outbreak of the American Civil War was the result of an exacerbation of economic and socio-political contradictions between two social systems: the system of wage labor and the system of slavery. By its nature, the war was a bourgeois-democratic revolution, the second revolution in the United States.

After a series of military failures, the government of A. Lincoln, at the request of the workers, farmers, and the bourgeoisie, turned to revolutionary methods of waging war. The army was replenished with thousands of volunteers and blacks who fled to the North, then conscription was introduced. Now the northerners waged a war not only for the restoration of the country’s unity and prevention of the spread of slavery but also for the elimination of the slavery system, free allocation of land, i.e. the tasks of the war became revolutionary.

Of great importance to the success of the northerners was the Homestead Act, passed in 1862. In 1862, a government declaration on the emancipation of slaves was signed. Tens of thousands of former slaves volunteered for the army. The military initiative passed to the northerners.

The victory of the northerners in the American Civil War provided:

  • elimination of the economic and political disunity of the country,
    the abolition of slavery,
  • democratic resolution of the agrarian question in the West of the country,
  • the victory of the farming (American) way of developing agriculture in the greater territory of the United States,
  • creation of a single national market,
  • expanding the democratic rights of citizens.


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