The Controversies and Issues Surrounding LGBT Rights in the United States

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Contemporary life has many controversies that come in with many issues of different levels. One of the main controversies that occurs right now in the United States deals with LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) rights. There has been a law recently passed by supreme court which legalized the marriage between same sex couples and stopped discrimination against the LGBT community. This decision startled many Americans and made some people angry about the decisions and choices made.

Many people who do not consider themselves as part of the LGBT community support the rights and the laws that the LGBT community wants to receive. They perceive the LGBT as people too and consider it moral that they have the same rights of marriage and possession that non LGBT receive. The supporters usually have more liberal thoughts and want to create an equal opportunity for everyone. They do not care what some people think of what they believe in even if others consider it as morally wrong. They want the best for the people that they support and believe that LGBT people should not have different treatment than any normal sex couple or people.

LGBT rights do not have support from everyone. Many people see of the rights extended to LGBT communities as morally faulty and that it does not benefit the people group. These people usually have more conservative thoughts and do not want to extend these rights to this people group. Many of the times, their ideas are backed up by religious beliefs or ideals in order to support their opinion. This group of people has more of the older population than the younger population as there were different thoughts and virtues that were taught between the generation.

Some people do not have much feelings or thoughts for same sex couples and view them as people who they do not want to associate with. They neither support nor object any rights to the LGBT community. Many people who do not have strong opinions would fall into this category and have indifferent opinions about the controversy about LGBT rights.

Opinions and controversies can be resolved with the voting of laws and the people voicing out about their opinions. Before the supreme court ruling, state rights had the power and control on establishing LGBT laws. One law regarding same sex marriage passed through the supreme court ruling as it became a large issue. This law that passed proposed a solution to the issue of same sex marriages and LGBT issues within the United States.

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The Controversies and Issues Surrounding LGBT Rights in the United States. (2023, Apr 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-controversies-and-issues-surrounding-lgbt-rights-in-the-united-states/

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