Technology as a Tool for Law Enforcement

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Technological innovation is beginning to change the landscape of law enforcement. As technology begins to advance, so does the way criminals operate. New technologies advancements like body cameras, GDS, biometrics and many more can help law enforcement officials enhance public safety like it has never been before. But this can only be accomplished, if those who are equipped with such advancement know and understand how they operate in order to make the best of it.

As law enforcement transition to a more futuristic way of fighting crime not everyone is on board with where they might be heading. People within the community may begin to feel that such technology like body cameras and biometric may violate their privacy. Body cameras have been seen by law enforcement officials as a great asset in exonerating themselves from false claims but at the same time being completely translucent with the community in how they are enforcing the law.

The whole point of implementing body cameras within police departments is the ability to have physical proof of any controversial encounters, in order to protect the officer’s integrity and the public. Although body cameras have been shown to be a great asset in law enforcement, they are far from being cheap. Depending on the body camera, they can run up to $500 to $900 dollars and that doesn’t even include the cost of storage. But with the help and support of the federal government it can be made possible, which it has.

The ability to insure public safety is at the top of the list in law enforcement priorities. Having the latest in technology can help law enforcement to be one step closer in achieving that goal, which is why such technologies like biometrics and GDS are becoming a necessity in law enforcement today. Biometrics are nothing new, but they have been improved since they were developed in the 1960s. Advance biometrics are offering law enforcement a new approach in helping to identify suspects more rapidly.

They use a type of facial recognition software that scans a person face through its bone structure and runs it through a data base to obtain a match. Just like the body cameras, this type of system can be extremely expansive, which can run a department up to $100 of thousands of dollars but can be a great asset in helping catch the perpetrators. Another great technology advancement is GDS also know as Gunshot Detection System, which notifies law enforcement in real time when a gunshot has been fired within the community, where the system is installed.

It doesn’t rely on putting citizen at risk when notifying dispatch that shots where fire in the area. Plus, with law enforcement having the GDS they are notified in 45 seconds or less when compare to calls been called in. These are just three of the many law enforcement technologies that are changing how law enforcement is combating crime in order to enhance their ability in making sure the public is safe from any type of criminal threat.

Cite this paper

Technology as a Tool for Law Enforcement. (2021, Jun 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/technology-as-a-tool-for-law-enforcement/

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