Taxonomy as a Part of Biology

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Taxonomy is the science of how living things are grouped together. Another name often used for taxonomy is classification. In the past, people classify in order from largest to smallest, life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family genus, and species. Classification ranking from the largest to the least number of organisms. This method had been used for 2000 years and now the method we use to classify is called Linnaeus, classified organisms according to their traits. The classification systems of Linnaeus started with the same two groups: Plants and Animals. Linnaeus called these groups, kingdoms. Linnaeus divided the kingdom into five levels: class, order, genus, species, and variety. Organisms were placed in these levels based on traits, including similarities of body parts, physical form such as size, shape, and methods of getting food.

Taxonomy is about giving an easy way to the knowledge workers so that they can find what they need straight away and quickly. It is facilitating us in identifying organisms. Taxonomy allows us to see the relationships between organisms that may not be obvious when looking at them as a whole. It also helps to study the phylogeny and evolutionary history of the organisms. Taxonomy helps us to know the characteristics of the whole phylum or class. Taxonomy allows for a comparison of how closely related organisms are based on which level of organization they hold in common. It serves as a common language for the word and reduced confusion between regional names for certain animals.

Except for the convenience of taxonomy, there also lots of disadvantages to it. Many protozoans possess characteristics of both plants and animals such as euglena. Bacteria and cyanobacteria which are blue and green algae have many similarities between and are quite different from other organisms. Thus it is difficult to place them in either plant or animal kingdom. Fungi and molds were placed under kingdom ‘Plantae’ but they pose many characteristics that are not common in plants. Some kingdom systems are not based upon natural selection upon natural ancestral relationships like DNA sequencing places fungi closer to animals than plants. Linnaeus did not take into thinking about the similarities produced by the similarity of remote species development, although they are not closely related, and the physical similarity between species in this classification is due to the close connection of species.

The main problem with taxonomy is that there is no need to cite original taxonomic descriptions or subsequent taxonomic revisions, which implies assumptions behind species names, even if they have a significant impact on specific research and its design. To overcome the barriers to classification, an important step is to begin treating the taxonomic assumptions with the respect they deserve and to achieve their true scientific impact. In the classification, all functions are limited in the group. If a scientist discovers a new species and it has characteristics of different groups, then the classification system becomes confusing. To solve this problem, scientists must change the classification system, or not just group visible features, study invisible features and rearrange kingdoms, gates, groups, and categories after placing invisible features. It helps us classify creatures so that we can communicate biological information more easily. Taxonomy uses hierarchical classification as a way to help scientists understand and organism on Earth.

Cultural: In some cultures, taxonomic rules are based on the traditional uses of plants and animals, and the existence of classification systems helps to pass knowledge through generations. In modern scientific culture, taxonomic rules are based on physical appearance and genetic and evolutionary relationships between species, but classification systems have very similar purposes, allowing scientists to effectively communicate the properties of specific organisms with just a few words. Taxonomy is an important role in cultural. Taxonomy in cultural is classified into nine dimensions which are ‘In-group collectivism’, ‘Gender egalitarianism’, ‘Future orientation’ and so on. It provides lenses through which make us can understand and appreciate differences between cultures. It helps to describe the basic aspects of culture. Moreover, the taxonomy provides a mechanism for understanding all cross-cultural communication activities. In addition, the taxonomy allows the use of specific cultural knowledge to enhance cross-cultural competence.

Social: Taxonomy helps to scientifically classify millions of organisms into categories such as families, genera, species, etc. to facilitate learning and understanding. Taxonomy helps you understand the type of role a plant or animal has before seeing or studying it in detail. Taxonomy gives the notion of the degree of physical and mental development of an animal and its location in the tree of biological evolution. Taxonomy helps identify or identify the types of plants and animals that can be found in a particular area. It helps new scientists collect them wherever they exist, in case they need to be tested.

Taxonomy is important because it is the way we name plants, animals and other living things. And, because we name living things, we can have a deeper understanding of them and study on them. Taxonomy helps us understand the close relationship between species or the interrelationships of other species and enables us to identify new genetic material to improve the performance of plants and animals. It also helps us understand evolution. And helps us to determine which plants and animals need protection most.

In biology, taxonomy is the way that identifies the different organisms, classifying them into different groups according to their characterizations, and naming them according to their genus and family. It can be divided into the kingdom, phylum, group, class and so on. Taxonomy helps us to find out the organism quickly and helps us to remember the characteristics of millions of organisms in a short form. But taxonomy is not perfect, there are also disadvantages and limitation in taxonomy. The effects of taxonomy smallest can be in daily life, the greatest can be the development of countries.

Taxonomy changed our life and view of the world. It makes our life easier but also causes trouble. Taxonomy classified the living things and allow our next generation to learn in the easiest way. The taxonomy also avoids the extinction of some endangered species, even if humans take protective measures and let humans find better ways of production for living things, so our next generation can see them in reality.


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Taxonomy as a Part of Biology. (2020, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/taxonomy-as-a-part-of-biology/

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