Structure and Types of Scientific Writing 

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Structure of Scientific Writing

Important part of science is writing; it is used to document and communicate ideas, activities and findings to others, we can say scientific writing is Specialized form of writing, which provide a frame to make keep in touch scientists with scientific information, and give a great contribution in knowledge.

Scientific writing can take many forms from a lab notebook to a project report, or from a paper in an academic journal to an article in a scientific magazine.

it avoids unnecessary detail simple it uses direct language, avoiding vague or complicated sentences. Structure of scientific writing vary from publisher to publisher some times it may be difficult for new science writers due to it’s complex form just because of adopting different way by writer.

The logic of using scientific writing is that it provide a platform to keep in touch scientists with scientific information globally. The most important part of scientific writing it provide different way to reader. For example, some reader only read the title to know about the information available on subject, some only read title and abstract, some only read the title, abstract and conclusion. Simply scientific writing provide the reader several ways depend upon their interest in topic.

  • Title: Declarative.
  • Logo,
  • Abstract nummber
  • Abstract
  • Introduction with Literature Review
  • Preliminaries
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgment
  • Reference


Title must be clear that can be read easily, It gives the information that which topic is under study and it also include the list of Authors with contact detail, email address, University if any.


Abstract is very clear and short, it describe the data you investigated with methodology without going to detail, the key points, techniques used. The abstract help readers either this is fruitful, they read the paper or not. Therefore enough information must include in abstract to make it useful for reader either they read it or use as a reference.

Introduction with Literature Review

Every question arise when?, where?, why?. These three WH words start the thinking process. Introduction and Literature Review consist of all history of research work done on the mention title topic, the publishers name, date of publishing the topic, the problem publishers face, the methodology they adopt, conclusion, final results, basically it summarizing our current understanding to the topic of investigation related to the problem.


It include all the basic results according to research used in proving the main results


In this part describe which method or general structure is adopted. If study is relevant to animal, plant, e.t.c. then describe the experiment you handle, where and when this experiment is carried out. If it id field study then give information related to study site, their significant features, location of experiment place with altitude longitude e.t.c. and similarly others field of study you need to write complete description. Every step is clearly describe that reader will understand it easily.


The Results should be organize and well arranged, Key finding must be in logical order. Highlights the evidence that use to prove the results you investigated. Information must be clear and in a sequence that a proper information in convey to reader.


In this part of Discussion interpret your results that what was already known and explain the new understanding you have done by using different methodology. The discussion will connected to the questions mention in introduction most importantly your study moved reader forward from the place you left at the end of introduction.


In experiment received any help in thinking or carrying out the work from someone who help you in getting information or assisting you or any type of service or material provided must acknowledge. If any company or any laboratory will help in your work must be acknowledge.


It should be identified by a Roman numeral in sequence, e.g., Appendix I, Appendix II, etc. Each appendix should contain different material.

Types of Scientific Writing

There are different types of scientific writing

Research article or Research paper

Research paper is a collection of different useful information about a topic. It involve surveying a topic or any field of knowledge in order to find the best information. Research paper will show the publisher ideas and information related to topic and open many others door of wisdom for other reader.

Review article

Review article means read, observe and valuate the published studies instead of giving new facts, sometimes it also called survey articles, after review article reader have fruitful knowledge related to field that how much work is done on field, old and new discoveries, significant of new discovery, get idea where research might go next and open doors for other new readers.

Research report

Research report is published by many organizations like industrial, educational, government, non-government and some time for some international organization like UNESCO. Research report is basically publications on some projects, scientific observation or may be on subject related fields.

Research projects for funding

This is basically investment from some charitable funds institute for those high ranked universities who working on sparking research. The main purpose of funding to Universities is to help researchers who are working on currently facing problems and issues, for example some institute funding to those researchers who working on current issue i.e. COVID- 19. Every organization have its own criteria of investment or simply funding for researchers in Universities.


A patent buck up different developing scientific society who are creating useful products for betterment of life by giving some rights and freedom for development of products freely without any fear or ant pressure and also give incentive to companies to continue their development on products. The process of giving patent and extension in rights vary from country to country according to national law.

Dissertation and thesis

Both terms are same and vary at some extent. These terms dissertation and thesis are interchangeable. In both case students must chose topic related to their area of intrust for work to show their caliper, knowledge and skill, both have same format but difference in size i.e. length of dissertation is more then thesis, in both case students must defend their topic for degree.


Cite this paper

Structure and Types of Scientific Writing . (2021, Oct 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/structure-and-types-of-scientific-writing/

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