Should Cloning Be Allowed

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Cloning involves the process of generating genetically similar organisms to create an identical copy of the original organism. This means that copies of an organism are produced through asexual means. The process is done artificially, so one may produce many copies of the same organism. Once cloned, it becomes difficult to tell the difference between the original and cloned organism. This is because cloning is comparable to the similarities present in identical twins. According to Time, the first successful cloning procedure occurred July 1996. The clone was derived from an adult cell and implanted into the uterus of an ewe. After 277 tries only one embryo survived, that embryo became known as Dolly the Sheep. Based on Genetics and Society, this experiment has shed light on the process of cloning and sparked the interests of many scientists who support it.

The subject of cloning is one that has caused much debate globally. Some have urged the practice to grow, while others have sought to restrict it. Ethical, moral, legal, and social questions that come with cloning have risen over the years. There has been debates about how to settle this issue once and for all. However, due to the complexity of the topic, a resolution has not yet been reached. Cloning receives a lot of support from various facets of the society that deem it necessary to allow infertile couples to have genetically related children. These people argue that cloning will present them with a chance to continue their bloodlines. They consider that the process is justified since they have a strong belief in maintaining their lineage.

Cloning also is seen to prevent birth defects. This fulfills the necessity of some to have a “perfect” child, as birth defects are costly to both parents and society. With cloning, these costs will significantly be reduced. Also, cloning is viewed by some as providing “immortality.” Cloning will allow people the chance to live even after their death by producing “self” copies. These have been cited as some of the reasons for championing cloning.

Those opposed to cloning can provide many reasons to prevent or limit the practice. According to Hinman (2016), cloning produces the same copy of another human being who has already existed. This denies the newly cloned person the chance for individuality. Human beings procreated through natural means are unique in their own way. This is because they have a genetic composition that is only special to them. A lot of people believe that cloning will deny the future generation the chance to become unique and special. Children who have been cloned will have their future essentially predetermined. This means that their ability to think on their own may be compromised. They will easily follow in the footsteps that have already been set. This will make life less interesting since human diversity will be discouraged. Diversity is what makes humanity unique and without that humans would become less special. Much creativity will be lost if cloning is embraced in society. Cloned children will also live a more stressful life after their realization that another identical person has already preceded them. The thought that an individual does not bring anything new to this world demoralizes individuals and could lead to depression.

As explained by Sandle (2005), the process of cloning is expensive and not all people in society can afford the procedure. Those with resources to afford such processes will also use cloning to ensure that there are more produced of similar background than those of people who cannot access such services. Scientists who work in the laboratories require a lot of resources to produce such beings which means that fewer resources will be available to deal with other scientific issues. This may produce unjust results favoring the wealthy.

Cloned human beings are produced in a way that erases the emotional bond that is present when procreation results from the love that is deeply embedded in human nature. This child born from two people that love one another brings meaning and purpose to their lives. Clones would belong to scientists and it would be like objects that have been forced on other people to take care of. There is the need to ensure that natural babies are born rather than the idea of cloned objects (Rachels, 2014).

The process of cloning human beings will take much time to be perfected. This means that there will be a lot of failed attempts. Much genetic material will have gone to waste in a bid to try and find the perfect sample. The procedure is also unethical because it violates basic human rights. Many samples of viable embryos will be used to come up with the perfect human being clone. This will lead to the loss of much potential future lives. The process also treats a human being as a “sample”; there is no way to justify using a person as a specimen in a laboratory. This is unethical and should be condemned.

Cloning is prone to errors, people will be made in laboratories and subject to the imperfect abilities of the scientists at hand. A simple mistake might alter the composition of a person leading to complications that may not be reversable. Human error is sometimes present in any medical and scientific process. This process may also lead to a lot of separation among families because people will realize that they do not belong together. Currently, adoption possesses this kind of social problem when a child realizes that they do not have the same genetics as of those that they live with. Cloning would worsen the situation since when a child realizes that they do not come from a naturally produced bloodline then they will want to be separated from society. This could cause people to want to live in isolation and subsequently cause a major societal problem.

Cloning should not be allowed in society for it will create a society that can easily be manipulated. Society should be made up of free thinkers. Key social values would be lost if cloning becomes the new way of life. The mere fact that everything will be predictable means that innovation disappears. In addition, humans would remain at a standstill without moving forward. It is the continued variation and change in DNA composition that moves the world forward. Changes in the society are what make life interesting. Cloning should not be allowed since it does not create a society of diverse people, but rather serves the interests of a few individuals.

As a Christian, the Bible teaches us that God commanded human beings to fill the world through procreation and that God is the sole creator. The act of cloning is religiously viewed as competing with God. Religion has served the purpose of safeguarding societal morals and ethics for thousands of years. Religion has not failed and to bring in cloning would create the notion that there is a superior to God. It is important to obey the word of God since it has guided us over the years long and cloning should not undermine it.

In conclusion, cloning refers to the act of producing genetically similar organisms and cells. The idea of human cloning is one that has created a debate over the years. Some say it should be embraced since it will lead to the production of a perfect being, allow life to continue after death, and even give genetically similar children to couples who are infertile. However, cloning essentially produces “human robots”. This is harmful as clones will rob society of its uniqueness, suppress creativity, give an unequal advantage to the wealthy as cloning is expensive, and allow them to manipulate society. Cloning will promote rigid thinking which prevent the world from varied perceptions on different issues. Cloning promised “advancements” in society, however it will only serve to create a stagnant society.

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Should Cloning Be Allowed. (2021, Oct 07). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/should-cloning-be-allowed/

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