Racial Prejudice And Segregation

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Have people of all races and religions to the edge. Minorities have fought back for so many years just wantig the simplest of things like love and equality. Why has it been so hard to become equal? Will everyone ever be equal? Individuals backgrounds have and affect on how they view racism but, from the past to now the views have changed. The way people view others that are not the same race has evolved. Majority of people that are racist see others as dirty or way to different. Mant people are fueled by hatred of difference and do things to make others feel either threatened or hurt. Acts of racism consist of segregation, not being able to vote, abuse, harassment, etc. People have done tese thigs because they thought, “god created blacks and whites as seperate species and that they had peremanent ‘differences’”(Kolbert 1). Also whites thought they held supremay therefor they could do anything. So they did bad things and created groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.

Years leand up to the Civil Rights Movement were highly based on beig different races. Many people couldn’t use the same restroom, sink, water fountain, even transportation as white people. Whites thought they were better than blacks, and they thought they held something above blacks. On August 28, 1963 a man named Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech called the “I Have a Dream” speech, In the speech he states , “for many of our whute brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, has ome to realixe that their destiny is tied up with our destiny.” He continues with,”And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.” Dr.King wanted people to know that in the end either way everyone would be equal.

The way people feel about racism has evolved from the past to where anyone can vote, everyone can share restrooms, and water fountains, and many more things. Many people still do not like other people of color, but now acts of racism are cut very small. Racism still has a big affect on our nation. Elizabeth Kolbert says ,”’Racial segregations continue to shape our politics , our neighborhoods, and our sense of self’”. Now days we have had black presidents, black preachers, and black friends. The nation is growing just like the goal of equality. The way racism has evolved from its dark past until now has changed the views that many people have on racism. The United States must continue to grow with great humanity to become a better community for everyone-no matter your race, religion, or gender. As Martin Luther King Jr. once stated,” I refuse to accept the view that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.”

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Racial Prejudice And Segregation. (2022, Sep 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/racial-prejudice-and-segregation/

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