Proposal on Financial Challenges faced by International Students

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Executive Summary

The research paper deals with solutions to the financial problems that arise to the students studying abroad or in foreign nations. Many students are studying in foreign country to achieve their aim and goals and set a good career for their life. However, during their studies, they had to face various challenges and one of the challenges is the financial challenge.

This proposal will provide solution or remedies to the issues faced by the students studying in foreign countries. The proposal will provide solutions that arise due to the financial challenges such as the academic impact, mental health and social life of the students studying abroad.


One of the major challenges faced by the students studying abroad is the financial challenges. It has been observed that there are many students who come to Canada for their higher education and has to confront with various problems and challenges, which includes social, financial, psychological and academic.

However, the major problem that they face is the financial problems and due to which they has to earn money through part time job to pay tuition fees as well as for they living. The financial burden is so heavy that affects the academics, physical health as well as the metal health of the students and the social life of the students. The students get demotivated and has to return to their country with unsuccessful career (Maundeni, 1999).

This proposal shall deal and provide discussion as to the solution to the financial problems faced by the students studying abroad. The solution will depend on the impact of the financial problems that has been faced by the students while studying in foreign nations which shall include the academic impacts, health and psychological impacts and the social impacts which affects the life of the students.


Academic Impact

The solution to the academic impact due to the financial problems can be solved by financial support through the financial institutions. In this present scenario all the privatized banks has their branches all major countries of the world and therefore, getting financial support through the financial institutions is one of the remedy, which can solve the problem of the student.

By getting financial support through various educational loans and other financial schemes, the student need not have to work for their studying as well as living in the foreign nation (Pedersen et al., 2011). The other solution to the problem can be solved if the student apply for a scholarship.

There are various organization throughout the world who provide scholarship program to the students to study in the major popular universities in the world. In this present scenario, the government is also providing grants to the students who aspire to study abroad.

However, government grants are not easily available but one can achieve if they can have good merit during their primary level of education. There are various organization like Thomson Reuters who provide scholarship for the students under various program so that the students having low income background cam achieve their aspirations of studying in the world class universities (Byram & Feng, 2006).

Health and Phychological Impact

The financial issues can bring health and psychological pressure on the students studying abroad and to resolve the issues the students need to be focused on their studies and not on the other aspects.

This is because the main reason for the student to go to the abroad is for his academic purpose and therefore one has to stay fit to get a good academic score which will help the student to achieve more scholarship. Scholarship is one of the means to support the student’s finances studying in abroad (Ma & Hom, 2004).

The other solutions to the problem is that the students can provide tuitions to the domestic students and can earn for his or her financial problem. Giving tuitions will help to students in both way. This will not become stressful for the students and the students can earn as well as focus on their studies.

Working in some other places is stressful which affects the studies of the student’s which have an impact on the academic result of the student. Students can also opt for freelancing jobs which is one of the most popular industry for students all over the world (Ma & Hom, 2004). The students can earn a good for their living as well as to pay the academic fees. Freelancing jobs are not tiresome and depends on the student’s availability of time.

Moreover, the payment for the freelancing jobs are as per the industry standard. The student can quit and join any time he thinks fit. So that he can focus on his studies whenever required. Therefore, by opting the solutions as provided above the students can have enough leisure time to take rest which will enhance their physical as well as the metal health and can focus on their academics (Kennedy, 2018).

Social Impact

The financial problems also affects the social life of the students studying in abroad. However, this problem can be solved through making friendship with the classmates or the hostellers. Even if this is not sufficient for the students to socialize, the new era of globalization has brought about social media sites through which one can have as many friends as they can and can also have conversations (Kennedy, 2018).

In this present scenario of high speed internet facility at a very low cost which will enable the students to make calls and video calls to the parents and other inmates within a second and can talk for long with them. Moreover, the country is a new place for the students studying there and therefore, he has the best opportunity to make short trips to various famous places in the country. Many a times the students faces problems with their roommates which has no other alternative but to adjust with each other.

However, to have a good social life the students can also engage in some sort of games and other activities which they like this will help them to get attached to more people in that country which will help him to socialize and will help the student to develop positive attitude and focus on the academics. Moreover attaching to some sort of games and sports will help the student to get away with homesickness and will motivate towards the studies (Edwards, 2018).


Therefore, it can be said that financial support is one of the major problem for the students which affects their academic results, health and psychology and also the social wellbeing of the students. Therefore to solve this problem there are various ways out in this present scenario which has been discussed in this paper.

The solutions can bring great change into the life of the students and the student can freely without any stress regarding financial burden will enjoy the studies in the foreign nations. However, the students must have to focus on the studies primarily as the academic result is the primary objective of the student and if the academic result gets deteriorated the student will not be able to get scholarship or financial support through the financial organizations.

In this era of social media the students can easily socialize themselves. Moreover, the students can easily talk to their parents and inmates easily through the use of social media which will help them to handle homesickness. Moreover, as many students from different nations are going for studying abroad one might get people from the same country or community at that place.

Therefore, it can be concluded that through the use of the solutions discussed above the students can make themselves free from the financial problems they face during their study in foreign nations.


  1. Byram, M., & Feng, A. (2006). Living and Studying Abroad : Research and Practice. Clevedon [England]: Multilingual Matters. Retrieved from http://ra.ocls.ca/ra/login.aspx?inst=conestoga&url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=174885&site=eds-live&scope=site
  2. Edwards, V. (2018). Students discuss experiences, transitions studying abroad. UWIRE Text. Retrieved from http://ra.ocls.ca/ra/login.aspx?inst=conestoga&url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.561527490&site=eds-live&scope=site
  3. Kennedy, K. (2018). Students should carefully consider studying abroad. UWIRE Text. Retrieved from http://ra.ocls.ca/ra/login.aspx?inst=conestoga&url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.554702182&site=eds-live&scope=site
  4. Ma, J. T., & Hom, M. K. (2004). From Studying Abroad to Staying Abroad. Chinese America: History & Perspectives, 27–34. Retrieved from http://ra.ocls.ca/ra/login.aspx?inst=conestoga&url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=15420603&site=eds-live&scope=site
  5. Maundeni, T. (1999). African Females and Adjustment to Studying Abroad. Gender & Education, 11(1), 27–42. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540259920744
  6. Pedersen, E. R., Neighbors, C., Larimer, M. E., & Lee, C. M. (2011). Measuring Sojourner Adjustment among American students studying abroad. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35, 881–889. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2011.06.003

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Proposal on Financial Challenges faced by International Students. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/proposal-on-financial-challenges-faced-by-international-students/



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