Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad Argumentative Essay

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Definition of studying abroad:

Diamond (2016) defines study abroad as “a program, usually run through a university, which allows a student to live in a foreign country and attend a foreign university”. (1)

Present context:

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards students, especially those from underdeveloped and developing nations, pursuing education in developed countries.

Vietnamese students solely spend around $3 billion annually on oversea study. (Lorcher, 2019) (2)

Thesis statement:

Though studying abroad is becoming more and more ubiquitous, it is inevittable that this approach still acquires both upsides and downsides; however, its advantages show a great superiority to its drawbacks.


Studying abroad gives students a sense of intercultural sensitivity: It should be borne in mind that the best way to absorb cultural values of a country is to live there. Therefore, that students spend a long period of time studying overseas means granting themselves a chance to directly expose to the foreign cultures. This allows them to acknowledge the differences in norms and codes of conduct among cultures, hence helping them develop appropriate sets of behavior when living in different countries. Tamas (2014) proves that the longer a student lives in a foreign country, the more familiar he or she is with the socio-cultural context of his or her host country. (3)

Studying abroad also stimulates personal growth: “When asked about personal growth, 97 percent said studying abroad served as a catalyst for increased maturity, 96 percent reported increased self-confidence. (Dwyer and Peters, 2004 [a]) (4). It is the case that when it comes to studying abroad, the majority of students have no choice but learn to live independently ranging from doing household chores to preparing for their studies and build up new relationship since they have few to no acquaintances around. Thereby, even when they do not want to, they are on the track of forming and developing neccessary skills for their long-run., which contributes to their personal growth.

Studying abroad often offers students great internship opportunities: “70 percent of intern respondents reported that study abroad ignited interest in a career direction pursued after experience. (Dwyer and Peters, 2004 [b]) (5). It might be said that the key pretext of the increasing number of students studying abroad is hands-on experience that foreign alma maters offer their students. As a result, students can utilize internship as precious opportunities for them to better prepare beforing joining the workforce later, which can be regarded a plus point when comparing them and other applicants for a job.


Studying abroad can be costly: Weidman (2018) states that “The International Institue of Education estimates the average cost of studying abroad to be around $18000 per semester” (6). As mentioned above, the trend towards studying abroad is more common among students coming from underdeveloped and developing countries, for instance, Vietnam where the average GDP per capita in 2018 was $1964.50. Consequently, the high cost of studying abroad may be a burden for them, especially those with financially unstable condition. This may hamper their concentration on their studies which should be their priority.

Studying abroad induces brain drain situation: Pettinger (2017) describes the brain drain problem as “the situation where a country loses its best workers” (7). Since the living standard in developed countries is too appealing, very few students studying abroad can resist it to come back to their home nations and devote their talents to their countries. This results in a shortage of potential well-qualified workforce which is the key element to push the development of a nation. In the long-run, this situation creates a greater gap between developed and underdeveloped countries.

Almost all students have to experience culture shock: “Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.” (Oberg, 1975) (8).


  1. Diamond, A. (2016). [online] Study.com. Available at: https://study.com/academy/lesson/whatis-study- abroad-definition-benefits.html. [Accessed 18 Sep. 2019].
  2. Dwyer, M. and Peters, C. (2004 [a]). The Benefits of Study Abroad – New Study Confirms Significant Gains. Transitions abroad.
  3. Dwyer, M. and Peters, C. (2004 [b]). The Benefits of Study Abroad – New Study Confirms Significant Gains. Transitions abroad.
  4. Lorcher, T. (2019). Educational Trends in Vietnam. [online] Eduhup.com. Available at: https://eduhup.com/blog/educational-trends-vietnam [Accessed 18 Sep. 2019].
  5. Oberg, D. (1975). Culture shock and the problems of adjustment to new cultural environments. [Akron, Pa.]: [Mennonite Central Committee].
  6. Pettinger, T. (2019). Brain Drain Problem | Economics Help. [online] Economicshelp.org. Available at: https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/glossary/brain-drain-problem/ [Accessed 18 Sep. 2019].
  7. Tamas, A. (2014). Advantages of study abroad from the students’ perspective. International Journal of Teaching and Education, 2(4), pp.67-88.
  8. Weidman, B. (2018). The Disadvantages of Study Abroad. [online] HCCMIS. Available at: https://www.hccmis.com/blog/study-abroad/the-disadvantages-of-study-abroad/ [Accessed 18 Sep. 2019].

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad Argumentative Essay. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-studying-abroad/



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