Table of Contents
“Education does not change the world. Education changes people. People changes the world”. By Paulo Freire.
This script will firstly start to discuss the meanings of sociology, education then meaning of sociology of education going down the discussion or essay will touch on the, the relationship between sociology and education, the difference between educational sociology and sociology of education, perspectives of sociology of education, the reasons why to study sociology of education and lastly the functions of education in the society.
Sociology is the study of human behaviour and the way they interact with the environment. According to Ezewu (1986) defines sociology as a scientific study of human behaviour in groups. Moreover, sociology is broad it covers many areas which includes the behaviour of people in relation to group setting. Then sociology is involved in studying social institutions which includes family, education, religion and politics in order to determine the values roles and function of such institutions in the society towards the growth of the society. Also sociology focuses on the culture of the society and social class formation to mention the few. Furthermore, sociology helps individuals in the community to develop strategies on how to tittle different kinds of behaviour and assists the society to overcome social issues concerning the growth and development of the society.
Moreover, assists in evaluating different kinds of interactions within the society which then leads to creation of institutions and associations through which individual’s behaviour is calmed. Secondly sociology exposes or create awareness to the society on why some certain practices and beliefs are still existing and in place. Furthermore, sociology summon individuals about the changes around them in the society and how those changes affect their living. For example, the use of computers in the working environment so in this case everyone who works in that society has to be computer literate. Lastly it scrutinises human background. So as people socialize they get to know each other’s way of living. So by knowing their status it promotes respect ad acceptance of those less privileged people. Then education is a continuous process of learning or acquiring skills and knowledge for future use. Daramola (2002:4) emphasizes that education can vary depending on the purpose they serve.” Furthermore, education is a continuous process which is passed from one generation to another.
However, people may exist and perish but education will always be available in long run in the future. Then it is responsible for formation of accountable and mature thinking people which will add value to the developments in the society. Therefore, sociology of education as defined by Marshall (1998) is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes. Sociology is typically focused on the human society. Emile Durkheim is the pioneer who created the systematic study of sociology of education. Also the field is primarily focused on how the public sector and individual experiences affect the improvement and continuing of the education field. Moreover, sociology of education explains that all teachings made in school are due to the problems or societal needs most of the times. Also it helps to groom best students who can be able to face the society with confidence. Sociology of education is important as it enables an individual to acquire skills and knowledge needed in order to make peace within himself or herself. Also theories of educational sociology assist in giving direction to educational policy makers and help teachers to monitor student’s behaviour well promoting displine.
Relationship Between Sociology And Education
First difference is that sociology is the science of society and education is an important part of the society. So as sociology deals with the behaviour of a human being education on the other hand is needed to regulate that behaviour by imparting knowledge on the individuals which is needed for the growth of the society. Secondly as stated by Chuaungo (2019) sociology provide principles and education practices them. This simply means that as people socialize some of the principles are developed which then later are going to be practiced by education (delivered through mode of teaching individuals). Thirdly sociology put fourth deals and values which education is to achieve. Then education preserves the social and cultural heritage which is owned by sociology. So in this case educations encourages preservation of information of the community which is then passed to the younger generations.
Fourth difference is that sociology contributes to the planning, executions, monitoring and evaluation of educational process and also sociology develops laws and principles which are adopted by the educational system for its improvement. Education is the laboratory and workshop of sociology because through education people get to socialize and learn new skills which then adds to the society development. Moreover, education brings improvements and variations in the field of sociology as its teachings are based on the current situations that are faced by societies so educations allows for experiments which are later revised then implemented on the society enhancing changes.
Relationship Between Sociology and Education
According Chathu (2017) argues that the first difference between the two is that Sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and experience of people affect the field of education and its results while Educational sociology is the application of sociological findings on education. Second difference is that sociology is mostly based on theoretical field while educational sociology is mostly connected with research work which includes practical implications. Lastly sociology of education emphasises more on the achievements or end results of the education on an individual whereas educational sociology is mostly concerned on how education could be improved through research work and attempt to discover new strategies and activities for future advantage or assistance. In addition, sociology of education is strictly focused on the public sector and individual experiences while educational sociology is focused on providing suggestions and methods in order to improve the quality of education.
Perspectives on Sociology of Education
Sociology of education can be viewed from different perspectives. First perspective as stated by Hasa (2019) in Sandra ‘s biography is functionalism which looks at society as a complex system whose components work together to promote unity and stability. On the other hand, words functionalism looks at each part of the society in terms of function and how it contributes to the stability of the whole society. As per this theory all parts of the society are dependent on each other. For example, the government provides tertiary students with sponsorship for further education so that they can contribute to the shortage of skilled personnel in the country. So student depend on the government for grant or loan while government is dependent on the sponsored students to work hard and produce best skills and knowledge which will lead to better jobs and they will start to pay tax to the government. Moreover, functionalism views at the society as whole or a micro-level approach.
In nutshell social structure and social function are important concepts in functionalism. Secondly the Conflict theory it emphasizes the role of pressure and power in producing social order. Therefore, this perspective is derived from the works of Karl Marx, who saw society as disjointed into groups that competes for social and economic resources. Social order is maintained by domination, with power in the hands of those with the greatest political, economic and social resources. According to Crossman (2019) emphasize that tensions and conflicts arise when resources, status and power are unevenly distributed between groups in the society and this conflicts tend to be the engine or cause for social change. Power can be considered as control of material resources and accumulated wealth and institutions that make up society and determined not just by class but by race, gender, sexuality, culture and religion.
Lastly is the Symbolic internationalism. It focuses on how people act according to their interpretations of the meaning of the world. Crossman (2019) describes symbolic internationalism as a framework in sociological theory that relies on the symbolic meaning people develop and build upon in the process of social interaction. Moreover, by this perspective society is constructed through human interpretation. This framework examines society by analysing subjective meanings humans impose on objects, behaviour and events. Subjective meanings are important as human behave not based on the truth but their own beliefs.
Why Studying Sociology of Education
Sociology of education teaches that all activities of the school are mostly dictated by the societal needs at a point of time. Also helps teachers to be aware that learning process does not end within four walls of the school but extends to the child’s home and his or her interaction with the larger society. Secondly by studying sociology of education assists individuals to be aware that each society has its own unique culture and that culture differs from society to society. This field helps to prepare students of differing background who accept, live and accommodate each other. Lastly this field helps one to understand people better, who has different needs hence providing platform on how to best tittle or offer proper guidance and counselling. In addition, sociology of education teaches one about the society and assists an individual to fit in society as well as helping students to realize the full benefit of belonging to the society.
Functions of Education in the Society
Education assists in building up the character of an individual as it gets people to socialise with different people hence promoting good behaviour which is acceptable in the community. Secondly education help individuals to gain skills and knowledge which is later important for the development and growth of the society. Also education brings about social relationship between the school and other aspects of the society. Lastly education emphasises the function of educational institutions in the community and patterns out the social interactions and social roles between school and society.
Sociology of education can be considered as the good as it reveals out personal identity of a person and what kind of behaviour does a person displays and providing solutions on how to deal with such kind of behaviours. In addition, sociology helps to capture the background of individuals to discourage discrimination and racism and assists individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge which later helps in development of the society. Also it brings about socialization of individuals which is encouraged by different socialization agents which includes family, school, peer groups, religious houses and mass media. So sociology of education is essential field of study which encourages growth of education in the society.
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