Philosophy of Education and Teaching

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My philosophy of education is concentrated on students. I believe that every student is unique with an individual way of learning and their own set of requirements and gifts that are brought to the learning environment.

It is my obligation as an educator to elaborate on their gifts and provide an atmosphere that will cultivate maximum opportunities to learn and meet each child’s individual needs. Every student is special, learning differently. As a teacher, I think teaching in a manner that uses a range of learning methods is essential. Learners should learn from one another and learn through cooperative learning to work together. Students should be engaged learners who explore new ideas through teaching hands. The students should also learn to be able to apply the concept at high order thinking levels. I will do my utmost as their guide to excite them about learning.

Learning needs to be fun! I believe that in order to learn the classroom must be a place where the student feels secure and comfortable. They need to know that the teacher cares about them. It is my responsibility as a teacher to provide such an atmosphere, an atmosphere where no matter the students mental and emotional space, they feel at home and like they have ownership. I think that the child must have the confidence that they can succeed. I also believe that the standard set for the students should be reachable, but high.

Each child dissevers to be challenged to reach the fullest of his/her potential. Maintaining discipline and classroom management/organization are very vital in a classroom setting. Students need structure and without it they will fail in the “real world.” There are three types of discipline: preventive, supportive and corrective. Preventive discipline focuses on providing a motivating curriculum which can grab the interest of students that focus on their studies thus, diverting them for misbehavior. Supportive discipline assists the misbehaving students with self-control to help them get back on track. Lastly, corrective discipline includes dealing with the problem directly.

However, this should neither intimidate the students nor make them uncomfortable. Discipline and order can be maintained in the classroom with just the right method. When it comes to classroom management you have to set the tone of the classroom on day one. Be firm but respectful always. As an educator it’s very imperative to be passionate so the that when you’re being mean to a student, they don’t mind coming back to class to learn because they know in their hearts its only tough love.

What does it mean to have high expectations of your students? “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn,” said Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Estrada. Following through with all classroom expectations will challenge students in a positive way. Your learners are going to stay up to your expectation (or down!). Student achievement is heavily influenced by what the teacher aspires. Once you help students build their confidence, character and integrity they become unstoppable in various ways. Motivation plays a big role in the classroom setting. Your personality sets the overall tone in the classroom.

When you show enthusiasm and passion for the subject you’re teaching, it can be contagious for most students, who will model your positive behavior. Besides teaching the curriculum, be a role model to reinforce positive actions to motivate students to learn. Ensure that classroom rules are detailed so students feel safe to participate and share their opinions and comments without ridicule. Feeling free to express themselves will encourage students to be engaged. Once the students the develop a bond with the teacher everything will fall into place.


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Philosophy of Education and Teaching. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/philosophy-of-education-and-teaching/



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The three philosophies of teaching and learning are essentialism, progressivism, and perennialism. Essentialism emphasizes the acquisition of basic skills and knowledge, progressivism focuses on student-centered learning and problem-solving, and perennialism stresses the importance of timeless ideas and concepts.
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