Personal Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

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Short-Term Goals

Success in the summer semester

Success in the summer semester at an excellent rate is one of my short-term goals. To achieve this goal has developed a wonderful plan. First, I must make a plan to learn and divide my time comfortably. The best way to divide time is to write a table that contains lessons times. Also print some lessons from e – learning to learn them. The money I get from college will help me a lot in printing these papers from the printing shop.

I also have to get out of my house and get to the college on time for the lesson so I will put in my schedule a time to set a date for my departure from home for the college. I can also request some extra lessons from the professor and I can also ask the help of my friend to understand the lessons. So I will be able to succeed in the summer semester at an excellent rate

Repairing my car

Repairing my car is one of my short-term goals. The car is very important for everyone to navigate. For this I have a plan to repair my car well. First I have to go to the garage to identify the faults and find out the purposes to fix the car. Then ask the garage owner about the price of repairs as well as the price of the required items and write a list containing the price of the pieces required. Then I will go to some shops that sell car parts to buy original pieces. Then I go back to the garage to give him the equipment to start the repair of the car. After I finish I will check the car to make sure it is good and then go home with my car

Long-Term Goals


Marriage is one of my long-term goals. I have to know what to do to be prepared for this. So I developed a plan to be ready for marriage. First I will complete my studies in college to get a job. Then I will work to collect the money for the wedding expenses. Then I must look for the right wife and go to get her consent. In the end, we will set the right time for the wedding

Getting a nice and harmonious body

Getting a nice and harmonious body is one of my long term goals and this needs serious work. First I have to lose some weight. For weight loss I have to do cardio exercises like walking and running. Weight loss will take a long time. After losing some weight, I have to increase my muscles. To increase muscle, I have to do weight lifting exercises. As I continue the exercises I will reach my goal.


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Personal Short-Term and Long-Term Goals. (2021, Feb 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/personal-short-term-and-long-term-goals/



What are personal short term goals?
Personal short term goals are specific and achievable objectives that an individual sets for themselves within a short period of time, usually within a year or less. These goals can be related to personal development, career advancement, health and fitness, financial stability, or any other area of life that the individual wishes to improve.
What is an example of a long term personal goal?
I would like to learn how to play the piano and I would like to be fluent in Spanish.
What is an example of a short term goal and a long term goal?
A short term goal could be to save up for a new car, and a long term goal could be to save up for a down payment on a house.
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